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This a slight adaptation from the function oa_request from the package openalexR It has the additional argument output_path to save the results in a file and not compile them in memory. When the transfer is interrupted, the existing files are not overwritten but skipped. From Here the original documentation: oa_request makes a request and downloads bibliographic records from OpenAlex database The function oa_request queries OpenAlex database using a query formulated through the function oa_query.


  per_page = 200,
  paging = "cursor",
  pages = NULL,
  count_only = FALSE,
  mailto = openalexR:::oa_email(),
  api_key = openalexR:::oa_apikey(),
  verbose = FALSE,
  output_path = NULL



Character string. A search query formulated using the OpenAlex API language and can be generated with oa_query.


Numeric. Number of items to download per page. The per-page argument can assume any number between 1 and 200. Defaults to 200.


Character. Either "cursor" for cursor paging or "page" for basic paging. When used with options$sample and or pages, paging is also automatically set to basic paging: paging = "page" to avoid duplicates and get the right page. See


Integer vector. The range of pages to return. If NULL, return all pages.


Logical. If TRUE, the function returns only the number of item matching the query. Defaults to FALSE.


Character string. Gives OpenAlex an email to enter the polite pool.


Character string. Your OpenAlex Premium API key, if available.


Logical. If TRUE, print information about the querying process. Defaults to TRUE.


Character string. If NULL (default), the results are compiled in memory as in the original function. If a character string, the results are saved in files named page_PAGENO.rds in the output path output_path.


a data.frame or a list of bibliographic records.

For more extensive information about OpenAlex API, please visit:


if (FALSE) {

### EXAMPLE 1: Full record about an entity.

# Query to obtain all information about a particular work/author/institution/etc.:

#  The following paper is associated to the OpenAlex-id W2755950973.

#  Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix:
#   An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis.
#   Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.

query_work <- oa_query(
    identifier = "W2755950973",
    entity = "works",
    endpoint = ""

res <- oa_request(
    query_url = query_work,
    count_only = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

#  The author Massimo Aria is associated to the OpenAlex-id A5069892096.

query_author <- oa_query(
    identifier = "A5069892096",
    entity = "authors",
    endpoint = ""

res <- oa_request(
    query_url = query_author,
    count_only = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

### EXAMPLE 2: all works citing a particular work.

# Query to search all works citing the article:
#  Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). bibliometrix:
#   An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis.
#   Journal of informetrics, 11(4), 959-975.

#  published in 2021.
#  The paper is associated to the OpenAlex id W2755950973.

#  Results have to be sorted by relevance score in a descending order.

query2 <- oa_query(
    identifier = NULL,
    entity = "works",
    filter = "cites:W2755950973",
    from_publication_date = "2021-01-01",
    to_publication_date = "2021-12-31",
    search = NULL,
    endpoint = ""

res2 <- oa_request(
    query_url = query2,
    count_only = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

### EXAMPLE 3: All works matching a string in their title

# Query to search all works containing the exact string
# "bibliometric analysis" OR "science mapping" in the title, published in 2020 or 2021.

# Results have to be sorted by relevance score in a descending order.

query3 <- oa_query(
    identifier = NULL,
    entity = "works",
    filter = '"bibliometric analysis"|"science mapping"',
    from_publication_date = "2020-01-01",
    to_publication_date = "2021-12-31",
    search = NULL,
    endpoint = ""

res3 <- oa_request(
    query_url = query3,
    count_only = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE

### EXAMPLE 4: How to check how many works match a query
# Query to search all works containing the exact string
# "bibliometric analysis" OR "science mapping" in the title, published in 2020 or 2021.

# Query only to know how many works could be retrieved (count_only=TRUE)

query4 <- oa_query(
    identifier = NULL,
    entity = "works",
    filter = '"bibliometric analysis"|"science mapping"',
    from_publication_date = "2020-01-01",
    to_publication_date = "2021-12-31",
    search = NULL,
    endpoint = ""

res4 <- oa_request(
    query_url = query4,
    count_only = TRUE,
    verbose = FALSE

res4$count # number of items retrieved by our query