Snowball sampling BBA Chapter 6 IPLC Section

Data Management Report


Rainer M. Krug


December 18, 2023


A snowball literature using OpenAlex will be conducted and all steps documented. The literature search is for the IPLC section of Chapter 6 of the IPBES Business and Biodiversity assessment.

DOI GitHub release GitHub commits since latest release License: CC BY 4.0

Working Title

Literature search for BBA Chapter 6 Finance Section

Code repo


Version 0.1.0 Build No 5

Read Key-paper


kp <- jsonlite::read_json(params$keypapers)

dois <- sapply(
    function(x) {
) |>
    unlist() |>
    unique() |>

dois <- dois[!is.null(dois)]

Of the 20 keypapers, 14 have a DOI and can be used for the further search.


Searches are conducted with the OpenAlex API. The API is documented here.

Get key_works


fn <- file.path("data", "key_works.rds")
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    key_works <- oa_fetch(
        entity = "works",
        doi = grep("^W.*", dois, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE),
        verbose = FALSE
    ) |>
                entity = "works",
                grep("^W.*", dois, value = TRUE),
                verbose = FALSE
    saveRDS(key_works, fn)
} else {
    key_works <- readRDS(fn)

key_works_cit <- IPBES.R::abbreviate_authors(key_works)

Setup OpenAlex usage and do snowball serarch


ids <- openalexR:::shorten_oaid(key_works$id)

fn <- file.path("data", "snowball.rds")
if (file.exists(fn)) {
    snowball <- readRDS(fn)
} else {
    snowball <- oa_snowball(
        identifier = ids,
        verbose = FALSE
    saveRDS(snowball, fn)

flat_snow <- snowball2df(snowball) |>

Supplemented edges between all papers


fn <- file.path("data", "snowball_supplemented.rds")
if (file.exists(fn)) {
    snowball_supplemented <- readRDS(fn)
} else {
    new_edges <- tibble(
        from = character(0),
        to = character(0)

    works <- snowball$nodes$id

    for (i in 1:nrow(snowball$nodes)) {
        from <- works[[i]]
        to <- gsub("", "", snowball$nodes$referenced_works[[i]])
        to_in_works <- to[to %in% works]
        if (length(to_in_works) > 0) {
            new_edges <- add_row(
                    from = from,
                    to = to_in_works

    snowball_supplemented <- snowball
    snowball_supplemented$edges <- add_row(snowball_supplemented$edges, new_edges) |>

    saveRDS(snowball_supplemented, fn)


Number of papers cited by keypapers

snowball$edges |>
    filter(from %in% names(key_works_cit)) |>
    unique() |>
        cit = unlist(key_works_cit[from])
    ) |>
    select(cit) |>
    table() |> |>
    arrange(desc(Freq)) |>
        col.names = c("Key paper", "Number of papers"),
        caption = "Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search"
Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search
Key paper Number of papers
Coria & Calfucura (2012) 73
Horowitz et al. (2018) 57
Jones et al. (2019) 35
Zeppel (2010) 32
Watson et al. (2011) 28
Gadgil et al. (1993) 24
Gunn (2001) 17
Clarke (1990) 13
Ekpe (2012) 13
Bohensky & Maru (2011) 11
Smith et al. (2019) 11
snowball$edges |>
    filter(to %in% names(key_works_cit)) |>
    unique() |>
        cit = unlist(key_works_cit[to]),
    ) |>
    select(cit) |>
    table() |> |>
    arrange(desc(Freq)) |>
        col.names = c("Key paper", "Number of papers"),
        caption = "No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search"
No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search
Key paper Number of papers
Gadgil et al. (1993) 319
Dawson et al. (2021) 318
Bohensky & Maru (2011) 283
Coria & Calfucura (2012) 280
Horowitz et al. (2018) 54
Smith et al. (2019) 36
Gunn (2001) 32
Zeppel (2010) 29
Jones et al. (2019) 24
Watson et al. (2011) 20
Clarke (1990) 10
Ekpe (2012) 2

Export snowball as Excel file


fn <- file.path(".", "data", "snowball_excel.xlsx")
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    IPBES.R::to_xlsx(snowball, fn)

To download the Excsl file with all references, plese click here.

The column are: (the Concept columns are not that relevant at the moment)

  • id: internal id fromOpenAlex
  • author: authors of the paper
  • publication_year: publication year
  • title: title of the paper
  • doi: doi of the paper
  • no_referenced_works: number of references in the paper which are also in OpenAlex
  • cited_global: Number of times the paper has been cited
  • cited_global_per_year: standardised number of times cirted (cited_global / number of years published)
  • no_connections: number of connections in the rgaph, i.e. either cited or citing a paper in the snowball corpus
  • concepts_l0: Concept 0. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l1: Concept 1. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l2: Concept 2. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l3: Concept 3. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l4: Concept 4. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l5: Concept 5. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • author_institute: Institute of the authors
  • institute_country: Country of the institute
  • abstract: the abstract of the paper

Static Citation Network Graph

Interactive Citation Network Graph

The following interactions are possible:

  • moving your mouse over a node, the title author and year of the paper is shown.
  • clicking on a node will open the paper in a new tab.
  • scrolling up and down with your scroll wheel zooms in and out
  • clicking on the canvas and move the mouse will move the network
  • clicking on a node and dragging it moves the node

Snowball Search


fn <- file.path("figures", "snowball_cited_by_count_by_year.html")
# if (file.exists(fn)) {
#     htmltools::includeHTML(fn)
# } else {
    snowball = snowball,
    key_works = key_works,
    file = fn
# }

To open the interactive graph in a standalone window click here.

Supplemented Snowball Search

fn <- file.path("figures", "snowball_supplemented_cited_by_count.html")
# if (file.exists(fn)) {
#     htmltools::includeHTML(fn)
# } else {
    snowball = snowball_supplemented,
    key_works = key_works,
    file = fn
# }

To open the interactive graph in a standalone window click here.

Identification of references with more than one edge

This is the number of connections (connection_count)of the paper (id)


mult_edge <- flat_snow |>
    select(id, connection_count) |>
    filter(connection_count > 1) |>

links <- flat_snow |>
    filter(id %in% mult_edge$id)

links |>
    select(id, display_name, publication_year, doi, connection_count) |>
    arrange(desc(connection_count)) |>
id display_name publication_year doi connection_count
W1979041668 Ecotourism and the development of indigenous communities: The good, the bad, and the ugly 2012 353
W2143767744 Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity Conservation 1993 NA 343
W3197735684 The role of Indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation 2021 318
W2002289717 Indigenous Knowledge, Science, and Resilience: What Have We Learned from a Decade of International Literature on “Integration”? 2011 294
W2807091201 Indigenous peoples’ relationships to large-scale mining in post/colonial contexts: Toward multidisciplinary comparative perspectives 2018 111
W1967530646 Managing Cultural Values in Sustainable Tourism: Conflicts in Protected Areas 2010 61
W2981340144 Net Gain: Seeking Better Outcomes for Local People when Mitigating Biodiversity Loss from Development 2019 59
W2111336615 Traditional Wisdom: Protecting Relationships with Wilderness as a Cultural Landscape 2011 48
W2993436936 Biodiversity means business: Reframing global biodiversity goals for the private sector 2019 47
W188486945 Learning from the Past: Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Development 1990 NA 23
W2183250380 A Review of Economic Instruments Employed for Biodiversity Conservation 2012 15
W2016024848 Ecotourists and Indigenous Hosts: Diverging Views on Their Relationship With Nature 1998 2
W2122290983 The Relationship between Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Evolving Cultures, and Wilderness Protection in the Circumpolar North 2003 2
W2131271432 Sustainable development and equity 2014 NA 2
W2148032823 Reporting on the Seminar - Risk Interpretation and Action (RIA): Decision Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty 2014 NA 2
W2186323970 Does social capital really enhance community based ecotourism? A review of the literature 2015 NA 2
W2330405993 Hegemonic and emerging concepts of conservation: a critical examination of barriers to incorporating Indigenous perspectives in protected area conservation policies and practice 2016 2
W2337418373 AMAZALERT Delivery Report 2013 NA 2
W2520012050 Interlinking ecosystem services and Ostrom&#8217;s framework through orientation in sustainability research 2016 2
W2969989130 Local ecological knowledge, the benthos and the epistemologies of inshore fishing 2018 NA 2
W3128202060 He kete hauora taiao: A Bicultural Ecological Assessment Framework 2021 NA 2
W4210778689 Actions to halt biodiversity loss generally benefit the climate 2022 2
W4280577357 A global overview of biodiversity offsetting governance 2022 2
W4366482848 Overcoming the coupled climate and biodiversity crises and their societal impacts 2023 2

Identification of Concepts

OpenAlex assigns all works concepts. The concepts are in hirarchical order, ranging from 0 to 3. The higher the number, the more specific the concept. The concepts are assigned to the paper (id)

Level 0


level <- 0
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l0_concept count
Biology 1175
Geography 1150
Political science 938
Business 639
Economics 610
Sociology 589
Computer science 514
Environmental science 501
Philosophy 453
Medicine 212
Psychology 199
Engineering 170
Physics 99
Mathematics 77
History 50
Geology 47
Art 46
Chemistry 29
Materials science 8

Level 1


level <- 1
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l1_concept count
Ecology 1127
Environmental resource management 774
Law 678
Archaeology 648
Environmental planning 549
Environmental ethics 263
Social science 183
Economic growth 181
Finance 180
Natural resource economics 164
Public relations 142
Computer network 138
Linguistics 130
Agroforestry 127
Programming language 126
Epistemology 109
Marketing 107
Anthropology 104
Socioeconomics 93
Forestry 84
Demography 79
Fishery 79
Environmental protection 75
Knowledge management 73
Operating system 66
Social psychology 63
Microeconomics 62
Artificial intelligence 59
Mechanical engineering 52
Machine learning 50
Pedagogy 50
Neuroscience 49
Cartography 45
Medical emergency 45
Pathology 45
Quantum mechanics 42
Ethnology 41
Psychotherapist 41
Engineering ethics 40
Nursing 40
Humanities 39
Thermodynamics 36
Management 35
Public administration 34
Development economics 33
Economic geography 33
Economy 32
Computer security 31
Oceanography 31
Paleontology 30
Psychiatry 30
Gender studies 28
Mathematical analysis 28
Environmental health 27
Algorithm 26
Management science 25
Regional science 25
Political economy 24
Environmental economics 23
Market economy 21
Public economics 21
Statistics 21
Accounting 18
Biochemistry 18
Botany 18
Civil engineering 18
Macroeconomics 18
Process management 18
World Wide Web 18
Data science 16
Risk analysis (engineering) 16
Library science 15
Aesthetics 13
Internal medicine 13
Law and economics 13
Pure mathematics 13
Remote sensing 13
Visual arts 13
Environmental engineering 12
Geometry 12
Traditional medicine 12
Embedded system 11
Psychoanalysis 11
Meteorology 10
Optics 10
Agricultural economics 9
Electrical engineering 9
Communication 8
Operations research 8
Physical geography 8
Structural engineering 8
Telecommunications 8
Water resource management 8
Acoustics 7
Database 7
Genetics 7
Industrial organization 7
International trade 7
Literature 7
Mathematics education 7
Astronomy 6
Chromatography 6
Clinical psychology 6
Economic system 6
Geotechnical engineering 6
Welfare economics 6
Advertising 5
Composite material 5
Gerontology 5
Mining engineering 5
Operations management 5
Ophthalmology 5
Organic chemistry 5
Aerospace engineering 4
Agricultural science 4
Architectural engineering 4
Biotechnology 4
Climatology 4
Cognitive psychology 4
Criminology 4
Econometrics 4
Evolutionary biology 4
Food science 4
Genealogy 4
Horticulture 4
Medical education 4
Neoclassical economics 4
Physical chemistry 4
Theology 4
Ancient history 3
Art history 3
Business administration 3
Classics 3
Developmental psychology 3
Economic policy 3
Electronic engineering 3
Immunology 3
Intensive care medicine 3
Media studies 3
Metallurgy 3
Systems engineering 3
Zoology 3
Anatomy 2
Data mining 2
Economic history 2
Financial economics 2
Geochemistry 2
Geodesy 2
Human–computer interaction 2
Information retrieval 2
Internet privacy 2
Mathematical physics 2
Parallel computing 2
Pediatrics 2
Physical medicine and rehabilitation 2
Positive economics 2
Radiology 2
Reliability engineering 2
Soil science 2
Veterinary medicine 2
Virology 2
Waste management 2
Actuarial science 1
Aeronautics 1
Agronomy 1
Animal science 1
Arithmetic 1
Astrobiology 1
Automotive engineering 1
Chemical engineering 1
Cognitive science 1
Combinatorics 1
Commerce 1
Computational biology 1
Computer vision 1
Crystallography 1
Earth science 1
Engineering management 1
Environmental chemistry 1
Family medicine 1
Forensic engineering 1
Geomorphology 1
Keynesian economics 1
Labour economics 1
Mathematical economics 1
Natural language processing 1
Optometry 1
Real-time computing 1
Software engineering 1
Theoretical physics 1
Transport engineering 1

Level 2


level <- 2
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l2_concept count
Indigenous 446
Tourism 320
Agriculture 229
Biodiversity 229
Sustainability 213
Politics 202
Ecosystem 145
Context (archaeology) 142
Natural resource 141
Climate change 127
Resource (disambiguation) 126
Sustainable development 117
Corporate governance 116
Habitat 89
Wildlife 86
Population 85
Government (linguistics) 64
National park 54
Citizen journalism 48
Diversity (politics) 46
Recreation 46
Process (computing) 45
Land use 43
Natural (archaeology) 43
Poverty 43
Psychological resilience 41
Stakeholder 41
Value (mathematics) 41
Fishing 38
Protected area 38
Work (physics) 38
Deforestation (computer science) 36
Resilience (materials science) 35
Wilderness 35
Environmental crisis 33
Scale (ratio) 33
China 31
Forest management 30
Local community 30
Empowerment 29
Sociology of scientific knowledge 29
Public health 28
Incentive 27
Perception 25
State (computer science) 25
Adaptation (eye) 24
Fish 24
Negotiation 24
Action (physics) 23
Focus group 23
Qualitative research 23
Visitor pattern 23
Equity (law) 22
Perspective (graphical) 22
Amazon rainforest 21
Cultural heritage 21
Agency (philosophy) 20
Colonialism 20
Revenue 20
Tanzania 20
Arctic 19
Consumption (sociology) 19
Livestock 19
Narrative 19
Distribution (mathematics) 17
Ethnography 17
Medicinal plants 17
Transformative learning 17
Community-based conservation 16
Disease 16
Nature reserve 16
Offset (computer science) 16
Space (punctuation) 16
Vegetation (pathology) 16
Health care 15
Production (economics) 15
Resource management (computing) 15
Scope (computer science) 15
Trophy 15
Participatory action research 14
Power (physics) 14
Scholarship 14
Service (business) 14
Accountability 13
Community participation 13
Conservation biology 13
Identity (music) 13
Marine conservation 13
Payment 13
Adaptive management 12
Applied philosophy 12
Biosphere 12
Contemporary philosophy 12
Framing (construction) 12
Intervention (counseling) 12
Nature Conservation 12
Order (exchange) 12
Psychological intervention 12
Valuation (finance) 12
Cultural landscape 11
Developing country 11
Economic Justice 11
Fauna 11
Nexus (standard) 11
Tribe 11
Vulnerability (computing) 11
Wetland 11
Abundance (ecology) 10
Alternative medicine 10
Commodification 10
Corporate social responsibility 10
Environmental impact assessment 10
Environmental justice 10
Ethnic group 10
Harm 10
Inclusion (mineral) 10
Mainstream 10
Meaning (existential) 10
Safeguarding 10
Situated 10
Bay 9
Commons 9
Community development 9
Face (sociological concept) 9
Futures contract 9
General partnership 9
Globe 9
Human rights 9
Legislation 9
Rainforest 9
Relevance (law) 9
Resistance (ecology) 9
Tropics 9
Typology 9
Urbanization 9
Willingness to pay 9
Aotearoa 8
Diversification (marketing strategy) 8
Ecological systems theory 8
Field (mathematics) 8
Gene 8
Local government 8
Set (abstract data type) 8
SWOT analysis 8
Capital (architecture) 7
Certification 7
Citizen science 7
Community engagement 7
Conceptual framework 7
Construct (python library) 7
Cost–benefit analysis 7
Disaster risk reduction 7
Documentation 7
Empirical evidence 7
Enforcement 7
Hierarchy 7
Jurisdiction 7
Latin Americans 7
Quality (philosophy) 7
Science education 7
Sociocultural evolution 7
Stakeholder engagement 7
Variety (cybernetics) 7
Alliance 6
Analytic hierarchy process 6
Appropriation 6
Baseline (sea) 6
Boom 6
Bridging (networking) 6
Cognitive reframing 6
Compensation (psychology) 6
Contamination 6
Control (management) 6
Delphi method 6
Environmental degradation 6
Environmental stewardship 6
Ethnobiology 6
Flood myth 6
Geographic information system 6
Household income 6
Human settlement 6
Interpersonal communication 6
Interpretation (philosophy) 6
IUCN Red List 6
Knowledge base 6
Knowledge-based systems 6
Morality 6
Normative 6
Operationalization 6
Plan (archaeology) 6
Product (mathematics) 6
Rangeland 6
Relocation 6
Rural area 6
Sample (material) 6
Sense of place 6
Structural equation modeling 6
Adaptability 5
Amenity 5
Anthropocene 5
Archipelago 5
Arid 5
Autonomy 5
Circumpolar star 5
Common-pool resource 5
Conceptualization 5
Coping (psychology) 5
Coral reef 5
Credibility 5
Curriculum 5
Environmental education 5
European union 5
Extinction (optical mineralogy) 5
Frontier 5
Herding 5
Human evolution 5
Institution 5
Interdependence 5
Knowledge engineering 5
Landscape design 5
Legislature 5
Leverage (statistics) 5
License 5
Maya 5
Mental health 5
Multidisciplinary approach 5
New guinea 5
Participatory planning 5
Popularity 5
Praxis 5
Predation 5
Property (philosophy) 5
Reciprocity (cultural anthropology) 5
Restoration ecology 5
Scarcity 5
Social capital 5
Spatial planning 5
Subject (documents) 5
Terminology 5
The arctic 5
Transdisciplinarity 5
Turtle (robot) 5
Viewpoints 5
Vision 5
Water resources 5
Welfare 5
Woodland 5
Acknowledgement 4
Additionality 4
Argument (complex analysis) 4
Asset (computer security) 4
Capacity building 4
Carbon dioxide 4
Closure (psychology) 4
Coal 4
Complementarity (molecular biology) 4
Cultural diversity 4
Dependency (UML) 4
Dilemma 4
Dimension (graph theory) 4
Disadvantaged 4
Discipline 4
Disturbance (geology) 4
Earnings 4
Economic impact analysis 4
Empirical research 4
Experiential learning 4
Faith 4
Geospatial analysis 4
Globalization 4
Grazing 4
Greenhouse gas 4
Hazard 4
Hydrology (agriculture) 4
Identification (biology) 4
Logging 4
Mangrove 4
Modernization theory 4
Multiculturalism 4
Mythology 4
Outreach 4
Parallels 4
Private sector 4
Productivity 4
Property rights 4
Redress 4
Redundancy (engineering) 4
Reflexivity 4
Renewable energy 4
Respondent 4
Scrutiny 4
Social impact assessment 4
Soil water 4
Status quo 4
Strategic planning 4
Stressor 4
Transparency (behavior) 4
Underpinning 4
Urban planning 4
Whale 4
Zoning 4
Action research 3
Affect (linguistics) 3
Animal ecology 3
Anthropocentrism 3
Attractiveness 3
Bacteria 3
Balance (ability) 3
Best practice 3
Buffer zone 3
Clearing 3
Complex adaptive system 3
Conflict management 3
Conflict resolution 3
Connection (principal bundle) 3
Constitution 3
Corporation 3
Creativity 3
Curse 3
Data collection 3
Declaration 3
Delphi 3
Desertification 3
Embeddedness 3
Emergency management 3
Emic and etic 3
Entrepreneurship 3
Ethos 3
Exploit 3
Exploratory research 3
Externality 3
Flourishing 3
Focus (optics) 3
Foraging 3
Gold mining 3
Goods and services 3
Harmony (color) 3
Heuristics 3
Hydropower 3
Impact assessment 3
Indonesian 3
Intellectual property 3
Internationalization 3
Joint (building) 3
Knowledge production 3
Land rights 3
Metric (unit) 3
Mosaic 3
Mount 3
Multinational corporation 3
Native american 3
Neoliberalism (international relations) 3
Occupational safety and health 3
Ontology 3
Opportunity cost 3
Phenomenon 3
Place attachment 3
Portfolio 3
Preference 3
Provisioning 3
Public good 3
Racism 3
Realm 3
Reforestation 3
Reputation 3
Residence 3
Risk management 3
Science policy 3
Skepticism 3
Special education 3
Species richness 3
Steppe 3
Structural basin 3
Subarctic climate 3
Subtropics 3
Sustenance 3
Taboo 3
Term (time) 3
Tiger 3
Transformational leadership 3
Tropical forest 3
Water quality 3
Workforce 3
Abandonment (legal) 2
Action plan 2
Ambiguity 2
American west 2
Animal rights 2
Appeal 2
Aquatic ecosystem 2
Architecture 2
Aside 2
Atlantic forest 2
Azadirachta 2
Balance of nature 2
Basal area 2
Biomass (ecology) 2
Biota 2
Bison bison 2
Blood pressure 2
Boreal 2
Cancer 2
Canis 2
Canopy 2
Caste 2
Channel (broadcasting) 2
Charisma 2
Climbing 2
Commercialization 2
Commit 2
Commodity 2
Competition (biology) 2
Complicity 2
Component (thermodynamics) 2
Constraint (computer-aided design) 2
Convention 2
Coproduction 2
Counterfactual thinking 2
Cover (algebra) 2
Cumulative effects 2
Damages 2
Demographics 2
Denial 2
Deontological ethics 2
Desert (philosophy) 2
Development plan 2
Disadvantage 2
Distrust 2
Domestication 2
Downstream (manufacturing) 2
Dredging 2
Earth (classical element) 2
Ecological psychology 2
Element (criminal law) 2
Embodied cognition 2
Emerging markets 2
Endemism 2
Environmental history 2
Environmental law 2
Environmental quality 2
Environmental restoration 2
Exchange rate 2
Facilitator 2
Fencing 2
Fetishism 2
Firewood 2
Flooding (psychology) 2
Food processing 2
Forest cover 2
Forest reserve 2
Frame (networking) 2
German 2
Herbivore 2
Human capital 2
Human geography 2
Hydroelectricity 2
Incidence (geometry) 2
Independence (probability theory) 2
Indian ocean 2
Inequality 2
Injustice 2
Innovation system 2
Institutionalisation 2
International law 2
Interoperability 2
Interpersonal relationship 2
Interview 2
Invasive species 2
Invisibility 2
Joint venture 2
Kinship 2
Knowledge transfer 2
Land reclamation 2
Landslide 2
Likert scale 2
Limiting 2
Literacy 2
Metaphor 2
Mining industry 2
Moderation 2
Modernity 2
Multiple-criteria decision analysis 2
National monument 2
Natural disaster 2
Navajo 2
Niche market 2
Norm (philosophy) 2
Nothing 2
Nutrient 2
Object (grammar) 2
Objectivity (philosophy) 2
Openness to experience 2
Outbreak 2
Panel data 2
Participant observation 2
Peacebuilding 2
Peninsula 2
Pledge 2
Plural 2
Poison control 2
Pollen 2
Pollution 2
Port (circuit theory) 2
Position (finance) 2
Possession (linguistics) 2
Pragmatism 2
Precipitation 2
Preparedness 2
Prescribed burn 2
Prioritization 2
Procurement 2
Professional development 2
Profit (economics) 2
Proxy (statistics) 2
Public participation 2
Publishing 2
Qualitative property 2
Range (aeronautics) 2
Reef 2
Reflection (computer programming) 2
Relation (database) 2
Reproduction 2
Reservation 2
Resource use 2
Risk assessment 2
Salience (neuroscience) 2
Sanctions 2
Sanitation 2
Secondary forest 2
Set-aside 2
Situational ethics 2
Small business 2
Snowball sampling 2
Social justice 2
Social media 2
Social responsibility 2
Software deployment 2
Spatial distribution 2
Spatial ecology 2
Species diversity 2
Statement (logic) 2
Structuring 2
Subsidy 2
Summit 2
Swamp 2
Table (database) 2
Tailings 2
Temperate climate 2
Test (biology) 2
Toolbox 2
Tower 2
Tragedy (event) 2
Transaction cost 2
Tree (set theory) 2
Unintended consequences 2
Utilitarianism 2
Watershed 2
West bengal 2
Woody plant 2
Absoluteness 1
Acanthaceae 1
Accommodation 1
Accreditation 1
Acre 1
Active listening 1
Activity-based costing 1
Actor–network theory 1
Adaptive strategies 1
Adjudication 1
Administration (probate law) 1
Admiration 1
Adventure 1
Adversary 1
Aerospace 1
Affordance 1
Afforestation 1
African elephant 1
Aggression 1
Alienation 1
Ambivalence 1
Animal ethics 1
Animal welfare 1
Antecedent (behavioral psychology) 1
Apprenticeship 1
Arabic 1
Arbitrariness 1
Arboriculture 1
Ascription 1
Asia pacific 1
Assemblage (archaeology) 1
Asteraceae 1
Attendance 1
Avatar 1
Bandwidth (computing) 1
Banyan 1
Basis (linear algebra) 1
Battle 1
Beauty 1
Beaver 1
Beneficiation 1
Benthic zone 1
Bioaccumulation 1
Biological sciences 1
Blame 1
Blessing 1
Bonobo 1
Boundary (topology) 1
Bovidae 1
Breastfeeding 1
Breed 1
Bridge (graph theory) 1
Buddhism 1
Business case 1
Business development 1
Business ethics 1
Business risks 1
Cape 1
Capillary action 1
Carrying capacity 1
Center (category theory) 1
Centrality 1
Ceremony 1
Champion 1
Character (mathematics) 1
Characterization (materials science) 1
Child health 1
Chlamydia 1
Circular economy 1
Citation 1
Clan 1
Class (philosophy) 1
Climb 1
Clothing 1
Club 1
Coastal management 1
Combretaceae 1
Commission 1
Commoditization 1
Common ground 1
Common value auction 1
Community management 1
Community organization 1
Community-based management 1
Comparative advantage 1
Compassion 1
Compatibility (geochemistry) 1
Compliance (psychology) 1
Composite number 1
Composition (language) 1
Comprehensive planning 1
Compression (physics) 1
Compressive strength 1
Conceptual model 1
Confidence interval 1
Consciousness 1
Consequentialism 1
Conservation 1
Consistency (knowledge bases) 1
Consumerism 1
Contemplation 1
Content (measure theory) 1
Contingency 1
Contradiction 1
Convergence (economics) 1
Conversation 1
Copper 1
Coral 1
Cornerstone 1
Cost database 1
Cost driver 1
Cost effectiveness 1
Courage 1
Covenant 1
Craft 1
Crayfish 1
Critical infrastructure 1
Crocodile 1
Crossbreed 1
Cruelty 1
Cruise 1
Cultural ecology 1
Cultural knowledge 1
Cultural values 1
Culture of the United States 1
Current (fluid) 1
Czech 1
Debt 1
Decentralization 1
Deconstruction (building) 1
Deference 1
Degree (music) 1
Demise 1
Dendrochronology 1
Depression (economics) 1
Descriptive research 1
Development (topology) 1
Dialog box 1
Dialogic 1
Diameter at breast height 1
Diamond 1
Dichotomy 1
Difference in differences 1
Disaster recovery 1
Dissemination 1
Distance decay 1
Distress 1
Distributive property 1
Divestment 1
Division (mathematics) 1
DNA barcoding 1
Domain (mathematical analysis) 1
Domain knowledge 1
Drainage 1
Drug trafficking 1
Drum 1
Dual (grammatical number) 1
Dualism 1
Dumping 1
Dynamism 1
Dystopia 1
Earth system science 1
Earthworm 1
Easement 1
Ecological crisis 1
Ecological succession 1
Economic cost 1
Economic evaluation 1
Economic rent 1
Economic sector 1
Educational attainment 1
Electricity 1
Elevation (ballistics) 1
Empathy 1
Employability 1
Encyclopedia 1
Enlightenment 1
Entertainment 1
Environmental hazard 1
Environmental policy 1
Environmental studies 1
Epidemiology 1
Equifinality 1
Estate 1
Estimation 1
Estonian 1
Estuary 1
Eugenics 1
Eurocentrism 1
Everyday life 1
Eviction 1
Excellence 1
Exhibitionism 1
Expectancy theory 1
Experiential knowledge 1
Expert opinion 1
Explanatory power 1
Factor (programming language) 1
Factoring 1
Falling (accident) 1
Famine 1
Fatty acid 1
Feeling 1
Ficus 1
Field research 1
Fire protection 1
Fjord 1
Floodplain 1
Food chain 1
Food consumption 1
Forester 1
Fortress (chess) 1
Foundation (evidence) 1
Fraction (chemistry) 1
Freehold 1
Frost (temperature) 1
Function (biology) 1
Fur trade 1
Fuzzy logic 1
Generality 1
Generative grammar 1
Genetic resources 1
Genus 1
Geomatics 1
George (robot) 1
Germination 1
Global commons 1
Global Positioning System 1
Glyphosate 1
Goal programming 1
Grassland 1
Gray (unit) 1
Green infrastructure 1
Groundwater 1
Group cohesiveness 1
Group conflict 1
Growing season 1
Guardian 1
Gum arabic 1
Handicraft 1
Harbour 1
Hardwood 1
Health assessment 1
Herd 1
Herpetology 1
Hickey 1
High forest 1
Higher education 1
Historical trauma 1
Homophily 1
Honey Bees 1
Honor 1
Horizontal and vertical 1
Host (biology) 1
Human ecology 1
Human health 1
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1
Human sexuality 1
Humanity 1
Hunter-gatherer 1
Hymenoptera 1
Icelandic 1
Iconography 1
Ideal (ethics) 1
Ignorance 1
Image (mathematics) 1
Immigration 1
Impact crater 1
In vitro 1
Index (typography) 1
Individualism 1
Industrial Revolution 1
Industrialisation 1
Inefficiency 1
Inference 1
Information system 1
Inga 1
Inscribed figure 1
Institutional analysis 1
Institutional economics 1
Interfacing 1
Intersectionality 1
Intertidal zone 1
Introspection 1
Islam 1
Ivory tower 1
Jackal 1
Java 1
Kenya 1
Key (lock) 1
Khasi 1
Kindness 1
Kingdom 1
Knowledge economy 1
Knowledge flow 1
Knowledge representation and reasoning 1
Knowledge sharing 1
Lamiaceae 1
Landscaping 1
Language change 1
Lantana 1
Lantana camara 1
Law enforcement 1
Lawsuit 1
Leadership style 1
Leafy vegetables 1
Lease 1
Leasehold estate 1
Legal research 1
Leopard 1
Lexicon 1
Liberian dollar 1
Life course approach 1
Lizard 1
Logbook 1
Logistic regression 1
Macaque 1
Maladaptation 1
Malaria 1
Malay 1
Mammal 1
Manatee 1
Mandate 1
Marine research 1
Marine species 1
Market price 1
Maroon 1
Masculinity 1
Massif 1
Matching (statistics) 1
Maximization 1
Mechanism (biology) 1
Mediterranean diet 1
Mental model 1
Merge (version control) 1
Mesoamerica 1
Metadata 1
Meteorite 1
Metropolitan area 1
Micronesian 1
Microplastics 1
Milestone 1
Mindset 1
Mineral resource classification 1
Mistake 1
Mobilities 1
Mobilization 1
Mode (computer interface) 1
Montane ecology 1
Moraceae 1
Mountaineering 1
Multidimensional scaling 1
Multimethodology 1
Multinomial logistic regression 1
Multitude 1
Mutual aid 1
National forest 1
National innovation system 1
Natural forest 1
Natural hazard 1
Natural park 1
Nature versus nurture 1
Neglect 1
Neighbourhood (mathematics) 1
New product development 1
New Zealand studies 1
Nomination 1
Northern territory 1
Nutraceutical 1
Obligation 1
Odocoileus 1
Orange (colour) 1
Outcome (game theory) 1
Outfall 1
Overexploitation 1
Oxymoron 1
Oyster 1
Pace 1
Pacific basin 1
Pacific Rim 1
Paddy field 1
Palm 1
Pan paniscus 1
Pasture 1
Path dependency 1
Patriarchy 1
Pattern recognition (psychology) 1
Performance art 1
PEST analysis 1
Petroleum 1
Phenomenology (philosophy) 1
Phoca 1
Photo elicitation 1
Phrase 1
Pilgrimage 1
Pillar 1
Pipeline transport 1
Place making 1
Planner 1
Plant biology 1
Plant ecology 1
Plant species 1
Plateau (mathematics) 1
Pleistocene 1
Pluralism (philosophy) 1
Policy mix 1
Policy Sciences 1
Polluter pays principle 1
Polyphony 1
Possessive 1
Prawn 1
Precautionary principle 1
Precinct 1
Pregnancy 1
Prehistory 1
Prejudice (legal term) 1
Premise 1
Presentation (obstetrics) 1
Prestige 1
Pride 1
Private equity 1
Private property 1
Privilege (computing) 1
Problem statement 1
Profitability index 1
Program evaluation 1
Proposition 1
Prosperity 1
Prunus 1
Psychosocial 1
Public broadcasting 1
Public engagement 1
Public land 1
Public policy 1
Puerto rican 1
Purchasing 1
Qualitative comparative analysis 1
Quality of life (healthcare) 1
Quarter (Canadian coin) 1
Rainwater harvesting 1
Raising (metalworking) 1
Ranking (information retrieval) 1
Reading (process) 1
Receipt 1
Reciprocal 1
Reduction (mathematics) 1
Register (sociolinguistics) 1
Regression discontinuity design 1
Relative deprivation 1
Religiosity 1
Remedial education 1
Renting 1
Representativeness heuristic 1
Research centre 1
Research design 1
Research ethics 1
Resource depletion 1
Respite care 1
Restitution 1
Restructuring 1
Reversing 1
Rhetoric 1
Rheumatism 1
Ridge 1
Romanian 1
Rosaceae 1
Rowing 1
Rural community 1
Safeguard 1
Safety net 1
Salient 1
Samoan 1
Sapotaceae 1
Satellite 1
Satellite imagery 1
Scaling 1
Schema (genetic algorithms) 1
Scientific management 1
Scientometrics 1
Sea ice 1
Seawater 1
Section (typography) 1
Sediment 1
Seedling 1
Seekers 1
Selection (genetic algorithm) 1
Self-determination 1
Semiotics 1
Sense of community 1
Sensory system 1
Session (web analytics) 1
Sewage 1
Shadow (psychology) 1
Shamanism 1
Shared resource 1
Shore 1
Shrimp 1
Shrub 1
Sierra leone 1
Significant difference 1
Silviculture 1
Simple (philosophy) 1
Snow 1
Social change 1
Social connectedness 1
Social engagement 1
Social equality 1
Social exchange theory 1
Social marketing 1
Social mobility 1
Social planner 1
Social relation 1
Social support 1
Socialization 1
Sociology of leisure 1
Sound (geography) 1
South asia 1
Sowing 1
Spatial analysis 1
Speech community 1
Spillover effect 1
Stand development 1
Statute 1
Statutory law 1
Stimulus (psychology) 1
Stock (firearms) 1
Storm 1
Strengths and weaknesses 1
Subspecies 1
Success factors 1
Suitability analysis 1
Supply chain 1
Supreme court 1
Surprise 1
Survival of the fittest 1
Symbolic capital 1
Systems thinking 1
Syzygium 1
Table of contents 1
Tacit knowledge 1
Tamil 1
Taxon 1
Taxonomy (biology) 1
Terminalia 1
Terminalia chebula 1
Terrain 1
The arts 1
The Imaginary 1
The Symbolic 1
Thematic map 1
Thriving 1
Toponymy 1
Tortoise 1
Tracking (education) 1
Transactional leadership 1
Triangulation 1
Triple helix 1
TRIPS architecture 1
Trope (literature) 1
Trophic level 1
Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests 1
Tropical climate 1
Turnover 1
Tying 1
Typhoon 1
Uncertainty 1
Unit (ring theory) 1
Unpacking 1
Upstream (networking) 1
Uranium 1
Urban culture 1
Urban forest 1
Usability 1
User fee 1
Variable (mathematics) 1
Veblen good 1
Vernacular 1
Vine 1
Virtue 1
Vocabulary 1
Volunteered geographic information 1
Wage 1
Warning system 1
Warrant 1
Water resistance 1
Water supply 1
Waterfall 1
Weather station 1
Wild boar 1
Wildland–urban interface 1
Win-win game 1
Window of opportunity 1
Wish 1
Witness 1
Worship 1
Yard 1
Zebu 1
Zinc 1
Zooplankton 1

Level 3


level <- 3
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l3_concept count
Traditional knowledge 209
Ecotourism 202
Livelihood 135
Ecosystem services 104
Biodiversity conservation 64
Sustainable tourism 53
Natural resource management 49
Tourism geography 42
Wildlife conservation 33
Global health 30
Subsistence agriculture 27
Threatened species 26
Convention on Biological Diversity 24
Indigenous rights 21
Wildlife management 20
Endangered species 18
Environmental governance 18
Food security 18
Wilderness area 17
Ecosystem management 16
Stewardship (theology) 15
Ethnobotany 14
Land management 14
Conservation psychology 13
Fisheries management 13
Infectious disease (medical specialty) 13
Promotion (chess) 13
Destinations 12
General interest 12
Grassroots 12
Legitimacy 12
Pastoralism 12
Political ecology 12
Forest ecology 11
Hegemony 11
Poaching 11
Socioeconomic status 11
Agricultural biodiversity 10
Climate change adaptation 10
Land tenure 10
Marine protected area 10
Opposition (politics) 10
Social sustainability 10
Sovereignty 10
Adaptive capacity 9
Community resilience 8
Thematic analysis 8
Aquaculture 7
Biodiversity hotspot 7
Community forestry 7
Ecological resilience 7
Maasai 7
Originality 7
Bureaucracy 6
Capitalism 6
Contingent valuation 6
Global warming 6
Hospitality 6
Ideology 6
Wildlife trade 6
Artisanal fishing 5
Biological dispersal 5
Climate change mitigation 5
Devolution (biology) 5
Environmental change 5
Human–wildlife conflict 5
Investment (military) 5
Knowledge integration 5
Land cover 5
Land-use planning 5
Panacea (medicine) 5
Resource curse 5
Spirituality 5
Sustainability organizations 5
Agroecology 4
Amplifier 4
Bushmeat 4
Carbon sequestration 4
Cultural heritage management 4
Environmental remediation 4
Fire regime 4
Global biodiversity 4
Intangible cultural heritage 4
Keystone species 4
Land degradation 4
Overfishing 4
Per capita 4
Project governance 4
Sustainable forest management 4
Systematic review 4
Biome 3
Climate justice 3
Coal mining 3
Collaborative governance 3
Collective action 3
Community health 3
Conservation status 3
Constructive 3
Corporate sustainability 3
Democracy 3
Ecosystem-based management 3
Fire ecology 3
Flora (microbiology) 3
Forest product 3
Game reserve 3
GIS and public health 3
Governmentality 3
Habitat destruction 3
Land use, land-use change and forestry 3
Landscape assessment 3
Landscape ecology 3
Mainstreaming 3
Multi-level governance 3
Natural heritage 3
Nonprobability sampling 3
Participatory rural appraisal 3
Poverty reduction 3
Recreational fishing 3
Representation (politics) 3
Rural development 3
Social conflict 3
Solidarity 3
Ungulate 3
2019-20 coronavirus outbreak 2
Agricultural land 2
Agricultural productivity 2
Amazonian 2
Bust 2
Bycatch 2
Certified wood 2
Civil society 2
Climate science 2
Conservation science 2
Coppicing 2
Coral reef protection 2
Cultural identity 2
Decolonization 2
Deliberation 2
Dominance (genetics) 2
Dutch disease 2
Ecological footprint 2
Ecological health 2
Ethnomedicine 2
Global governance 2
Good governance 2
Gray wolf 2
Grey literature 2
Grounded theory 2
Habitat conservation 2
Health promotion 2
Herring 2
Hospitality industry 2
Hospitality management studies 2
Hypertensive crisis 2
Incentive program 2
Intergenerational equity 2
Land grabbing 2
Leisure studies 2
Market access 2
Overconsumption 2
Parliament 2
Participatory design 2
Participatory development 2
Planetary boundaries 2
Plant diversity 2
Political economy of climate change 2
Pollination 2
Project commissioning 2
Renewable resource 2
Robustness (evolution) 2
Science communication 2
Scopus 2
Sea turtle 2
Servant leadership 2
Settlement (finance) 2
Small Island Developing States 2
Social determinants of health 2
Social movement 2
Stakeholder analysis 2
Storytelling 2
Structural violence 2
Sustainable business 2
Sustainable community 2
Sustainable management 2
Technocracy 2
Topsoil 2
Tragedy of the commons 2
Triple bottom line 2
Tuna 2
Understory 2
Water scarcity 2
White (mutation) 2
World heritage 2
Acculturation 1
Agonistic behaviour 1
Agroecosystem 1
American political science 1
Analytic network process 1
Anchovy 1
Apis cerana 1
Aquatic animal 1
Aquatic science 1
Aquifer 1
Arable land 1
Arctic ice pack 1
Arecaceae 1
Articulation (sociology) 1
Baccharis 1
Basic needs 1
Benthos 1
Biological integrity 1
Biomass partitioning 1
Breastfeeding promotion 1
Brief intervention 1
Camera trap 1
Cancer registry 1
Canonical correspondence analysis 1
Capillary number 1
Carbon fibers 1
Carbon finance 1
Carbon stock 1
Caribbean region 1
Carnivore 1
Central government 1
Cervix 1
Charismatic authority 1
Chiefdom 1
Childbirth 1
Chondrite 1
Citizenship 1
Civil disobedience 1
Climate resilience 1
Coase theorem 1
Colonial rule 1
Commercial fishing 1
Commodity chain 1
Community 1
Community-based participatory research 1
Conditional convergence 1
Conflict resolution strategy 1
Conservation agriculture 1
Conservation Plan 1
Conspicuous consumption 1
Coping behavior 1
Copper mining 1
Coral bleaching 1
Coral reef fish 1
Corporate communication 1
Crater lake 1
Cronbach’s alpha 1
Cryosphere 1
Dairy farming 1
Daphnia 1
Data quality 1
Degrowth 1
Desert climate 1
Dingo 1
Direct action 1
Direct Payments 1
Disease surveillance 1
Disinvestment 1
Downscaling 1
Drummer 1
East Asia 1
Ecological economics 1
Ecological indicator 1
Ecological modernization 1
Ecological network 1
Economic botany 1
Economic capital 1
Economic shortage 1
Edaphic 1
Egalitarianism 1
Elite 1
Employee empowerment 1
Engaged scholarship 1
Environmental impact statement 1
Environmental movement 1
Environmentalism 1
Equity capital markets 1
Equity theory 1
Expansionism 1
Expansive 1
Exploitation of natural resources 1
Extreme poverty 1
Financial capital 1
First nation 1
Fish stock 1
Floristics 1
Food web 1
Forest plot 1
Gap analysis (conservation) 1
Generalist and specialist species 1
Genetic diversity 1
Global change 1
Gonorrhea 1
Green growth 1
Grouper 1
Harbor seal 1
Health economics 1
Health equity 1
Health impact assessment 1
Health policy 1
Healthcare system 1
Hectare 1
Homeland 1
Human factors and ergonomics 1
Illegal logging 1
Image segmentation 1
Inclusive growth 1
Indigenous culture 1
Indigenous language 1
Indus 1
Information infrastructure 1
Injury prevention 1
Insectivore 1
Institutional investor 1
IUCN protected area categories 1
Knowledge creation 1
Kyoto Protocol 1
Landscape archaeology 1
Leaching (pedology) 1
Legal realism 1
Legitimation 1
Liberalism 1
Liberation 1
Life-cycle assessment 1
Linkage (software) 1
Local adaptation 1
Localism 1
Macrobrachium rosenbergii 1
Mainland China 1
Mangrove ecosystem 1
Marine ecosystem 1
Marine reserve 1
Mental illness 1
Mode of production 1
Municipal law 1
National Environmental Policy Act 1
Network governance 1
Nomenclature 1
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 1
Odds 1
Oncorhynchus 1
Open peer review 1
Oppression 1
Otolith 1
Overgrazing 1
Ovis canadensis 1
Pacific islanders 1
Participatory GIS 1
Phytoplankton 1
Place identity 1
Plant community 1
Plastic pollution 1
Political action 1
Polity 1
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 1
Popular science 1
Population biology 1
Population growth 1
Population health 1
Poverty trap 1
Power structure 1
Predator 1
Price discovery 1
Priming (agriculture) 1
Private equity fund 1
Profit maximization 1
Public property 1
Queen (butterfly) 1
Ratification 1
Regional planning 1
Relative risk 1
Reproductive health 1
Resentment 1
Revegetation 1
Riparian zone 1
Rockfish 1
Salmo 1
Satellite image 1
Seascape 1
Service provider 1
Shrubland 1
Skin cancer 1
Slash-and-burn 1
Snag 1
Snow leopard 1
Social science education 1
Social transformation 1
Social vulnerability 1
Socio-ecological system 1
Soil fertility 1
Soil quality 1
Species distribution 1
Species evenness 1
Sri lanka 1
Stakeholder management 1
Stakeholder theory 1
State forest 1
State ownership 1
Strategic environmental assessment 1
Suicide prevention 1
Sustainability reporting 1
Sustainable energy 1
Sustainable living 1
Symbolic power 1
Synchronization (alternating current) 1
Syphilis 1
Tension (geology) 1
Texture (cosmology) 1
The Conceptual Framework 1
Theory of planned behavior 1
Tourist attraction 1
Trampling 1
Transformation (genetics) 1
Transition management (governance) 1
Trawling 1
Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests 1
Tropical rain forest 1
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1
Uranium mine 1
Urban sprawl 1
Ursus 1
Vagueness 1
Value chain 1
Victory 1
Virtue ethics 1
Vulnerability assessment 1
Water Framework Directive 1
Water security 1
Watershed management 1
Wildlife corridor 1
Wildlife disease 1
Yellow birch 1

Level 4


level <- 4
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l4_concept count
Measurement of biodiversity 21
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 13
Rural tourism 12
Wildlife tourism 9
Ecosystem health 8
Sustainability science 7
Natural capital 6
Alternative tourism 5
Nature tourism 5
Flagship species 4
Landscape connectivity 4
Net gain 4
Payment for ecosystem services 4
Cultural tourism 3
Energy transition 3
Forest restoration 3
Industrial heritage 3
Public participation GIS 3
Total economic value 3
Tourist destinations 3
Communal land 2
Environmental social science 2
Fisheries law 2
Food systems 2
Forest degradation 2
Heritage tourism 2
Intact forest landscape 2
Landscape epidemiology 2
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2
North American Model of Wildlife Conservation 2
Pollinator 2
Subsistence economy 2
Sustainable land management 2
Algal bloom 1
Authoritarianism 1
Bottom trawling 1
Business tourism 1
Catch and release 1
Chinook wind 1
Clupea 1
Effects of global warming 1
Engraulis 1
Epinephelus 1
Fisheries science 1
Food sovereignty 1
Gender and development 1
Grizzly Bears 1
Image texture 1
Impacts of tourism 1
Individual capital 1
Interface (matter) 1
Landscape history 1
Law of the sea 1
Legal pluralism 1
Mariculture 1
Murchison meteorite 1
Native Hawaiians 1
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation 1
Rural economics 1
Rural management 1
Seed dispersal 1
Sexually transmitted disease 1
Shellfish 1
Shrimp farming 1
Spiritualities 1
Submarine groundwater discharge 1
Tangible property 1
Tree allometry 1
Umbrella species 1
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1
Universal value 1

Level 5


level <- 5
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l5_concept count
Ecosystem valuation 4
Ecoforestry 3
Pandemic 2
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) 2
Total human ecosystem 2
Development anthropology 1
Fish kill 1
Seed predation 1
Values 1




BibTeX citation:
  author = {Krug, Rainer M.},
  title = {Snowball Sampling {BBA} {Chapter} 6 {IPLC} {Section}},
  pages = {undefined},
  date = {},
  doi = {99.99.99999999},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {A snowball literature using
    {[}OpenAlex{]}( will be conducted and all
    steps documented. The literature search is for the IPLC section of
    Chapter 6 of the IPBES Business and Biodiversity assessment.}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Krug, Rainer M. n.d. “Snowball Sampling BBA Chapter 6 IPLC Section.” IPBES Data Management Report.