Snowball sampling BBA Chapter 6

Data Management Report


Rainer M. Krug


December 15, 2023


A snowball literature using OpenAlex will be conducted and all steps documented. The literature search is for the finance section of Chapter 6 of the IPBES Business and Biodiversity assessment.

DOI GitHub release GitHub commits since latest release License: CC BY 4.0

Working Title

Literature search for BBA Chapter 6 Finance Section

Code repo


Version 0.1.0 Build No 70

Read Key-paper


kp <- jsonlite::read_json(params$keypapers)

dois <- sapply(
    function(x) {
) |>
    unlist() |>
    unique() |>

dois <- dois[!is.null(dois)]

Of the 21 keypapers, 7 have a DOI and can be used for the further search.


Searches are conducted with the OpenAlex API. The API is documented here.

Get key_works


fn <- file.path("data", "key_works.rds")
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    key_works <- oa_fetch(
        entity = "works",
        doi = dois,
        verbose = FALSE
    saveRDS(key_works, fn)
} else {
    key_works <- readRDS(fn)

key_works_cit <- IPBES.R::abbreviate_authors(key_works)

Setup OpenAlex usage and do snowball serarch


ids <- openalexR:::shorten_oaid(key_works$id)

fn <- file.path("data", "snowball.rds")
if (file.exists(fn)) {
    snowball <- readRDS(fn)
} else {
    snowball <- oa_snowball(
        identifier = ids,
        verbose = FALSE
    saveRDS(snowball, fn)

flat_snow <- snowball2df(snowball) |>

Supplemented edges between all papers


fn <- file.path("data", "snowball_supplemented.rds")
if (file.exists(fn)) {
    snowball_supplemented <- readRDS(fn)
} else {
    new_edges <- tibble(
        from = character(0),
        to = character(0)

    works <- snowball$nodes$id

    for (i in 1:nrow(snowball$nodes)) {
        from <- works[[i]]
        to <- gsub("", "", snowball$nodes$referenced_works[[i]])
        to_in_works <- to[to %in% works]
        if (length(to_in_works) > 0) {
            new_edges <- add_row(
                    from = from,
                    to = to_in_works

    snowball_supplemented <- snowball
    snowball_supplemented$edges <- add_row(snowball_supplemented$edges, new_edges) |>

    saveRDS(snowball_supplemented, fn)


Number of papers cited by keypapers

snowball$edges |>
    filter(from %in% names(key_works_cit)) |>
    unique() |>
        cit = unlist(key_works_cit[from])
    ) |>
    select(cit) |>
    table() |> |>
    arrange(desc(Freq)) |>
        col.names = c("Key paper", "Number of papers"),
        caption = "Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search"
Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search
Key paper Number of papers
Kedward et al. (2022) 47
Stellinga & Mügge (2017) 36
Campiglio et al. (2018) 33
Stellinga (2019) 31
Klooster & Fontan (2019) 29
Mennillo & Sinclair (2019) 27
Smoleńska & Klooster (2021) 1
snowball$edges |>
    filter(to %in% names(key_works_cit)) |>
    unique() |>
        cit = unlist(key_works_cit[to]),
    ) |>
    select(cit) |>
    table() |> |>
    arrange(desc(Freq)) |>
        col.names = c("Key paper", "Number of papers"),
        caption = "No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search"
No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search
Key paper Number of papers
Campiglio et al. (2018) 339
Klooster & Fontan (2019) 55
Stellinga & Mügge (2017) 26
Stellinga (2019) 17
Kedward et al. (2022) 9
Mennillo & Sinclair (2019) 3
Smoleńska & Klooster (2021) 1

Export snowball as Excel file


fn <- file.path(".", "data", "snowball_excel.xlsx")
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    IPBES.R::to_xlsx(snowball, fn)

To download the Excsl file with all references, plese click here.

The column are: (the Concept columns are not that relevant at the moment)

  • id: internal id fromOpenAlex
  • author: authors of the paper
  • publication_year: publication year
  • title: title of the paper
  • doi: doi of the paper
  • no_referenced_works: number of references in the paper which are also in OpenAlex
  • cited_global: Number of times the paper has been cited
  • cited_global_per_year: standardised number of times cirted (cited_global / number of years published)
  • no_connections: number of connections in the rgaph, i.e. either cited or citing a paper in the snowball corpus
  • concepts_l0: Concept 0. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l1: Concept 1. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l2: Concept 2. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l3: Concept 3. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l4: Concept 4. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • concepts_l5: Concept 5. level assigned by OpenAlex
  • author_institute: Institute of the authors
  • institute_country: Country of the institute
  • abstract: the abstract of the paper

Static Citation Network Graph

Interactive Citation Network Graph

The following interactions are possible:

  • moving your mouse over a node, the title author and year of the paper is shown.
  • clicking on a node will open the paper in a new tab.
  • scrolling up and down with your scroll wheel zooms in and out
  • clicking on the canvas and move the mouse will move the network
  • clicking on a node and dragging it moves the node

Snowball Search


fn <- file.path("figures", "snowball_cited_by_count_by_year.html")
# if (file.exists(fn)) {
#     htmltools::includeHTML(fn)
# } else {
    snowball = snowball,
    key_works = key_works,
    file = fn
# }

To open the interactive graph in a standalone window click here.

Supplemented Snowball Search

# fn <- file.path("figures", "snowball_supplemented_cited_by_count.html")
# if (file.exists(fn)) {
#     htmltools::includeHTML(fn)
# } else {
    snowball = snowball_supplemented,
    key_works = key_works,
    file = fn
# }

To open the interactive graph in a standalone window click here.

Identification of references with more than one edge

This is the number of connections (connection_count)of the paper (id)


mult_edge <- flat_snow |>
    select(id, connection_count) |>
    filter(connection_count > 1) |>

links <- flat_snow |>
    filter(id %in% mult_edge$id)

links |>
    select(id, display_name, publication_year, doi, connection_count) |>
    arrange(desc(connection_count)) |>
id display_name publication_year doi connection_count
W2804677512 Climate change challenges for central banks and financial regulators 2018 372
W2969772043 The Myth of Market Neutrality: A Comparative Study of the European Central Bank’s and the Swiss National Bank’s Corporate Security Purchases 2019 84
W2610704610 The regulator’s conundrum. How market reflexivity limits fundamental financial reform 2017 62
W4292595817 Biodiversity loss and climate change interactions: financial stability implications for central banks and financial supervisors 2022 56
W2965479042 The open-endedness of macroprudential policy. Endogenous risks as an obstacle to countercyclical financial regulation 2019 48
W2919379750 A hard nut to crack: Regulatory failure shows how rating really works 2019 30
W1590274302 An Engine, Not a Camera 2006 3
W2754240787 Climate Change, Financial Stability and Monetary Policy 2018 3
W3134177855 Finance, climate-change and radical uncertainty: Towards a precautionary approach to financial policy 2021 3
W3200581389 Towards a post-pandemic policy framework to manage climate-related financial risks and resilience 2021 3
W4389508637 The central bank lacuna in green state transformation 2023 3
W1973891309 The New Political Economy of the Macroprudential Ideational Shift 2013 2
W2005501311 Credit rating agencies and the sovereign debt crisis: Performing the politics of creditworthiness through risk and uncertainty 2013 2
W2049415454 Predicting the unpredictable: Value-at-risk, performativity, and the politics of financial uncertainty 2014 2
W2108325260 The unstable core of global finance: Contingent valuation and governance of international accounting standards 2014 2
W2144656183 Round Up the Usual Suspects: Blame and the Subprime Crisis 2010 2
W2147018250 Keep It Simple: Policy Responses to the Financial Crisis 2009 2
W2152007396 Markets: The Credit Rating Agencies 2010 2
W2159086724 The Emerging Post-Crisis Financial Architecture: The Path-Dependency of Ideational Adverse Selection 2014 2
W2240034294 Beyond carbon pricing: The role of banking and monetary policy in financing the transition to a low-carbon economy 2016 2
W2259853171 A climate stress-test of the financial system 2017 2
W2478550933 Credit Rating Agencies 2014 2
W2796057114 Macroprudential regimes and the politics of social purpose 2018 2
W2915608595 Fostering green investments and tackling climate-related financial risks: Which role for macroprudential policies? 2019 2
W2982355665 Climate finance and disclosure for institutional investors: why transparency is not enough 2019 2
W2997450066 Bank power and public policy since the financial crisis 2020 2
W3040576919 Measuring and mitigating systemic risks: how the forging of new alliances between central bank and academic economists legitimize the transnational macroprudential agenda 2020 2
W3117471438 Central banks, financial stability and policy coordination in the age of climate uncertainty: a three-layered analytical and operational framework 2020 2
W3137792521 Central bank mandates, sustainability objectives and the promotion of green finance 2021 2
W3159278479 The Rise and Stall of EU Macro‐Prudential Policy. An Empirical Analysis of Policy Conflicts over Financial Stability, Market Integration, and National Discretion* 2021 2
W3161163759 Greening Monetary Policy: Evidence from the People’s Bank of China 2021 2
W3162198978 It takes two to dance: Institutional dynamics and climate-related financial policies 2021 2
W3166908684 An Appraisal of the Financial Monetary System 2021 2
W3170519630 Macro-financial transition risks in the fight against global warming 2021 2
W3172495435 Policies to Restore the Balance in the Current System 2021 2
W3208541744 A Classification of Different Approaches to Green Finance and Green Monetary Policy 2021 2
W3209630168 A Risky Bet: Should the EU Choose a microprudential or a Credit Guidance Approach to Climate Risk? 2021 2
W4200422685 Mapping the emergence and diffusion of climate-related financial policies: Evidence from a cluster analysis on G20 countries 2022 2
W4205107008 Greening monetary policy: evidence from the People’s Bank of China 2022 2
W4205940293 Technocratic Keynesianism: a paradigm shift without legislative change 2021 2
W4214808306 The politics of the ECB’s market-based approach to government debt 2022 2
W4226506304 Realising Central Banks’ Climate Ambitions Through Financial Stability Mandates 2022 2
W4231006923 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2011 2
W4245042437 Between Debt and the Devil 2015 2
W4281725133 Examining modern money creation: An institution-centered explanation and visualization of the “credit theory” of money and some reflections on its significance 2022 2
W4283654359 Building back before: fiscal and monetary support for the economy in Britain amid the COVID-19 crisis 2022 2
W4285008042 An unexpected climate activist: central banks and the politics of the climate-neutral economy 2022 2
W4285038735 Monetary Policy for the Climate? A Money View Perspective on Green Central Banking 2022 2
W4303646071 Recentering central banks: Theorizing state-economy boundaries as central bank effects 2022 2
W4313528434 ‘Building back better’ or sustaining the unsustainable? The climate impacts of Bank of England QE in the Covid-19 pandemic 2023 2
W4323527138 The Role of Bank Regulators in the Promotion of Green and Climate Finance 2023 2
W4362466487 Towards an institutional “landscape” view of modern money creation mechanisms and some reflections on their ecological significance 2023 2
W4385459174 ‘Facilitating the transition to net zero’ and institutional change in the Bank of England: Perceptions of the environmental mandate and its policy implications within the British state 2023 2
W4388053518 The Co2 Content of the Tltro Iii Scheme and its Greening 2023 2

Identification of Concepts

OpenAlex assigns all works concepts. The concepts are in hirarchical order, ranging from 0 to 3. The higher the number, the more specific the concept. The concepts are assigned to the paper (id)

Level 0


level <- 0
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l0_concept count
Economics 494
Business 370
Political science 319
Biology 251
Computer science 187
Philosophy 107
Engineering 89
Geography 76
Sociology 68
Physics 66
Mathematics 59
Environmental science 53
Psychology 51
Chemistry 33
Medicine 30
Geology 29
History 19
Art 10
Materials science 6

Level 1


level <- 1
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l1_concept count
Finance 340
Law 288
Ecology 231
Macroeconomics 161
Financial system 158
Monetary economics 105
Natural resource economics 100
Archaeology 68
Economic growth 62
Market economy 58
Linguistics 56
Programming language 47
Accounting 45
Economic policy 42
Epistemology 37
Environmental resource management 36
Quantum mechanics 35
Political economy 34
Paleontology 33
Econometrics 32
Computer security 31
Artificial intelligence 30
Microeconomics 30
Statistics 29
Electrical engineering 28
Financial economics 28
Mechanical engineering 27
Environmental economics 26
Social science 26
Law and economics 25
Algorithm 23
Biochemistry 22
Public administration 22
Public economics 22
Actuarial science 21
Machine learning 21
Economic system 19
Management 19
Waste management 19
Neoclassical economics 18
Oceanography 18
Keynesian economics 17
Psychotherapist 17
Positive economics 16
International economics 15
Mathematical analysis 15
Climatology 14
Economy 14
Embedded system 14
Marketing 13
World Wide Web 13
Demography 12
Humanities 12
Operating system 12
Public relations 11
Environmental planning 10
International trade 10
Pathology 10
Risk analysis (engineering) 10
Theoretical physics 10
Industrial organization 9
Meteorology 9
Psychiatry 9
Social psychology 9
Chromatography 8
Environmental ethics 8
Geometry 7
Internal medicine 7
Nursing 7
Pedagogy 7
Acoustics 6
Agricultural economics 6
Agroforestry 6
Cartography 6
Neuroscience 6
Pure mathematics 6
Structural engineering 6
Thermodynamics 6
Data science 5
Environmental engineering 5
Evolutionary biology 5
Knowledge management 5
Literature 5
Civil engineering 4
Communication 4
Composite material 4
Development economics 4
Engineering ethics 4
Geodesy 4
Management science 4
Physical medicine and rehabilitation 4
Theology 4
Aesthetics 3
Atmospheric sciences 3
Environmental protection 3
Gender studies 3
Library science 3
Optics 3
Process management 3
Advertising 2
Agricultural science 2
Agronomy 2
Anthropology 2
Astrobiology 2
Botany 2
Cognitive psychology 2
Combinatorics 2
Computer network 2
Computer vision 2
Criminology 2
Database 2
Earth science 2
Mathematical economics 2
Operations management 2
Ophthalmology 2
Organic chemistry 2
Parallel computing 2
Physical geography 2
Psychoanalysis 2
Real-time computing 2
Regional science 2
Visual arts 2
Agricultural engineering 1
Astronomy 1
Astrophysics 1
Commerce 1
Computer graphics (images) 1
Condensed matter physics 1
Crystallography 1
Data mining 1
Demographic economics 1
Developmental psychology 1
Economic geography 1
Economic history 1
Electronic engineering 1
Forestry 1
Genetics 1
Geomorphology 1
Geotechnical engineering 1
Immunology 1
Information retrieval 1
Intensive care medicine 1
Manufacturing engineering 1
Marine engineering 1
Mathematical optimization 1
Mathematical physics 1
Mathematics education 1
Metallurgy 1
Remote sensing 1
Socioeconomics 1
Software engineering 1
Systems engineering 1
Telecommunications 1
Transport engineering 1
Welfare economics 1

Level 2


level <- 2
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l2_concept count
Climate change 176
Politics 166
Financial crisis 111
Monetary policy 86
Corporate governance 63
Financial market 49
Context (archaeology) 44
Greenhouse gas 44
Financial regulation 39
Sustainability 39
Incentive 35
Sustainable development 34
Financial stability 32
China 31
Developing country 30
Bond 29
Government (linguistics) 28
Debt 26
Credit rating 25
Credit risk 25
Risk management 24
Fossil fuel 23
Capital (architecture) 22
European union 21
Renewable energy 21
Financial risk 20
Order (exchange) 20
Subsidy 18
Macro 17
Mandate 17
Stock (firearms) 17
Asset (computer security) 16
Collateral 16
Gene 16
State (computer science) 16
Market liquidity 15
Perspective (graphical) 15
Power (physics) 15
Transparency (behavior) 15
Volatility (finance) 15
Independence (probability theory) 14
Nexus (standard) 14
Portfolio 14
Equity (law) 13
Action (physics) 12
Index (typography) 12
Population 12
Financial sector 11
Bond market 10
Financial services 10
Fiscal policy 10
Inflation (cosmology) 10
Normative 10
Private sector 10
Biodiversity 9
Financial intermediary 9
Loan 9
Production (economics) 9
Value (mathematics) 9
Accountability 8
Ecosystem 8
Emerging markets 8
Framing (construction) 8
Panel data 8
Position (finance) 8
Psychological resilience 8
Sample (material) 8
Scholarship 8
Scope (computer science) 8
Work (physics) 8
Affect (linguistics) 7
Composite number 7
Electricity 7
Externality 7
Interest rate 7
Process (computing) 7
Relevance (law) 7
Vulnerability (computing) 7
Agency (philosophy) 6
Alternative medicine 6
Argument (complex analysis) 6
Capital market 6
Consumption (sociology) 6
Corporate social responsibility 6
Currency 6
Earth system science 6
Empirical evidence 6
Inequality 6
Leverage (statistics) 6
Performative utterance 6
Principal (computer security) 6
Project finance 6
Reputation 6
Resilience (materials science) 6
Revenue 6
Scale (ratio) 6
Shock (circulatory) 6
Stress test 6
Variety (cybernetics) 6
Agriculture 5
Anthropocene 5
Balance (ability) 5
Balance sheet 5
Coal 5
Damages 5
Disease 5
Economic Justice 5
Efficient energy use 5
Environmental policy 5
Financial instrument 5
Financialization 5
Futures contract 5
Human capital 5
Humanity 5
Intermediary 5
Legislation 5
Limiting 5
Mainstream 5
Metric (unit) 5
Neglect 5
Negotiation 5
Reflexivity 5
Spillover effect 5
Technological change 5
Transformative learning 5
Valuation (finance) 5
Accounting information system 4
Content (measure theory) 4
Creativity 4
Credibility 4
Delegation 4
Discretion 4
Empirical research 4
Energy (signal processing) 4
Greening 4
Gross domestic product 4
Institution 4
Intervention (counseling) 4
Issuer 4
Land use 4
Local government 4
Productivity 4
Profit (economics) 4
Quantile 4
Real estate 4
Regulatory reform 4
Status quo 4
Stress (linguistics) 4
Stress testing (software) 4
Adaptation (eye) 3
Allocative efficiency 3
Amazon rainforest 3
Blueprint 3
Boom 3
Boundary (topology) 3
Business cycle 3
Carbon dioxide 3
Commission 3
Competition (biology) 3
Conceptual framework 3
Construct (python library) 3
Divergence (linguistics) 3
Dynamics (music) 3
Endogeneity 3
Enforcement 3
Entrepreneurship 3
Environmental degradation 3
Fair value 3
Field (mathematics) 3
Financial modeling 3
Function (biology) 3
Great Depression 3
Green innovation 3
Habitat 3
Harmonization 3
Institutional economics 3
International Financial Reporting Standards 3
Key (lock) 3
Legislature 3
Narrative 3
Natural disaster 3
Paradigm shift 3
Payment 3
Pension 3
Perception 3
Performativity 3
Profitability index 3
Public finance 3
Quality (philosophy) 3
Set (abstract data type) 3
Social studies of finance 3
Stability (learning theory) 3
Structural equation modeling 3
Tipping point (physics) 3
Unintended consequences 3
Ambiguity 2
Arbitrage 2
Artificial neural network 2
Autonomy 2
Bank credit 2
Banking industry 2
Bibliometrics 2
Biomass (ecology) 2
Biosphere 2
Blame 2
Bubble 2
Business risks 2
Capital asset pricing model 2
Citation 2
Collateral damage 2
Compensation (psychology) 2
Composite indicator 2
Consistency (knowledge bases) 2
Convention 2
Convergence (economics) 2
Corporate finance 2
Crash 2
Credit crunch 2
Credit history 2
Current (fluid) 2
De facto 2
Default 2
Deforestation (computer science) 2
Delegate 2
Deregulation 2
Dimension (graph theory) 2
Directive 2
Diversity (politics) 2
Divestment 2
Dual (grammatical number) 2
Element (criminal law) 2
Exchange rate 2
Extant taxon 2
Extinction (optical mineralogy) 2
Financial analysis 2
Financial asset 2
Financial innovation 2
Foreign direct investment 2
General partnership 2
Globalization 2
Globe 2
Granger causality 2
Hedge 2
Hedge fund 2
Imperfect 2
Insider 2
Institutionalisation 2
Investment banking 2
Kuznets curve 2
Landslide 2
Life insurance 2
Market failure 2
Materialism 2
Materiality (auditing) 2
Microfoundations 2
Modernity 2
National accounts 2
Neoliberalism (international relations) 2
Neutrality 2
Obstacle 2
Pace 2
Phenomenon 2
Point (geometry) 2
Pollen 2
Product (mathematics) 2
Prosperity 2
Psychological intervention 2
Public policy 2
Quarter (Canadian coin) 2
Rationality 2
Reading (process) 2
Reductionism 2
Relation (database) 2
Resource (disambiguation) 2
Risk premium 2
Safety net 2
Securitization 2
Series (stratigraphy) 2
Shadow (psychology) 2
Short run 2
Skepticism 2
Sociotechnical system 2
Stimulus (psychology) 2
Strategic planning 2
Structuring 2
Sustainable growth rate 2
Systematic risk 2
Task (project management) 2
Transformational leadership 2
Vector autoregression 2
Wind power 2
Window of opportunity 2
Wonder 2
Action plan 1
Adaptability 1
Afforestation 1
Air pollution 1
Alliance 1
Allowance (engineering) 1
Americanization 1
Anomaly (physics) 1
Appeal 1
Applied economics 1
Appropriation 1
Architecture 1
Asia pacific 1
Audit 1
Autoregressive model 1
Bandwagon effect 1
Behavioral economics 1
Boosting (machine learning) 1
Bounded rationality 1
Business ethics 1
Cancer 1
Capital account 1
Capital cost 1
Cash 1
Cash flow 1
Causality (physics) 1
Centrality 1
Certification 1
Ceteris paribus 1
Charge (physics) 1
Chemotherapy 1
Citizen science 1
Clean energy 1
Closing (real estate) 1
Cognition 1
Coherence (philosophical gambling strategy) 1
Commodity 1
Competence (human resources) 1
Complementarity (molecular biology) 1
Complication 1
Compounding 1
Compromise 1
Computable general equilibrium 1
Computation 1
Conflation 1
Connotation 1
Consolidation (business) 1
Consumer protection 1
Consumer Protection Act 1
Content analysis 1
Contingency 1
Control (management) 1
Conversation 1
Coral 1
Coral reef 1
Cornerstone 1
Corporation 1
Cost–benefit analysis 1
Covenant 1
Craft 1
Cretaceous 1
Criticism 1
Crop yield 1
Cryptocurrency 1
Crystal structure 1
Cultural bias 1
Dance 1
Data envelopment analysis 1
Demise 1
Denial 1
Digital humanities 1
Digitization 1
Dilemma 1
Disappointment 1
Discontinuity (linguistics) 1
Disequilibrium 1
Dismissal 1
Displacement (psychology) 1
Dispose pattern 1
Disruptive technology 1
Distribution (mathematics) 1
Distributive property 1
Diversification (marketing strategy) 1
Doctrine 1
Downgrade 1
Duty 1
Dynamic efficiency 1
Earnings 1
Earth (classical element) 1
Econometric model 1
Economic bubble 1
Economic cost 1
Economic impact analysis 1
Economic rent 1
Economic sector 1
Economic stability 1
Economic statistics 1
Economic union 1
Elevation (ballistics) 1
Energy consumption 1
Energy sector 1
Environmental law 1
Environmentally friendly 1
Erosion 1
Estimation 1
Evolutionary economics 1
Executive board 1
Experimentalism 1
Face (sociological concept) 1
Factoring 1
Feature (linguistics) 1
Financial ratio 1
Flexibility (engineering) 1
Flooding (psychology) 1
Focus (optics) 1
Footprint 1
Foreign exchange 1
Fossil Record 1
Futures studies 1
Fuzzy logic 1
General equilibrium theory 1
Genetic algorithm 1
Glacial period 1
Grid 1
Harm 1
Health care 1
Heat stress 1
Herding 1
Heteroscedasticity 1
Horse 1
Household waste 1
Hybridity 1
Hydropower 1
Identification (biology) 1
Ignorance 1
Impartiality 1
Imperfect competition 1
Indeterminacy (philosophy) 1
Industrial production 1
Industrialisation 1
Informatization 1
Innovation system 1
Insider trading 1
Insolvency 1
Instrumental variable 1
Insurance industry 1
Interdependence 1
Interdisciplinarity 1
International banking 1
International finance 1
Interpretability 1
Interpretation (philosophy) 1
Introspection 1
Irradiance 1
Jargon 1
Join (topology) 1
Jurisdiction 1
Kingdom 1
Knowledge economy 1
Kondratiev wave 1
Language change 1
Latin Americans 1
Leukemia 1
Liability 1
Liberalization 1
Liberian dollar 1
Likert scale 1
Liquefied petroleum gas 1
Lithuanian 1
Lock (firearm) 1
Lymphoma 1
Maladaptation 1
Market value 1
Mars Exploration Program 1
Matching (statistics) 1
Meaning (existential) 1
Memoir 1
Memorandum 1
Microsimulation 1
Mode (computer interface) 1
Montenegro 1
Multidisciplinary approach 1
Multitude 1
Multivariate statistics 1
National bank 1
Natural (archaeology) 1
Natural experiment 1
Natural gas 1
Natural resource 1
Net (polyhedron) 1
Newspaper 1
nobody 1
Norm (philosophy) 1
Norwegian 1
Nothing 1
Official statistics 1
Ontology 1
Operational efficiency 1
Operationalization 1
Ordinary least squares 1
Organisation climate 1
Overconfidence effect 1
Particle swarm optimization 1
Path dependence 1
Path dependent 1
Peck (Imperial) 1
Per capita income 1
Period (music) 1
Petrochemical 1
Petroleum 1
Photovoltaic system 1
Plan (archaeology) 1
Planet 1
Planned economy 1
Pledge 1
Policy mix 1
Pollutant 1
Poverty 1
Praxis 1
Predictive power 1
Preference 1
Preparedness 1
Primary (astronomy) 1
Principle of legality 1
Probabilistic logic 1
Protectionism 1
Public interest 1
Public sector 1
Purchasing power 1
Pyrolysis 1
Qualitative comparative analysis 1
Quantile regression 1
Rainforest 1
Raising (metalworking) 1
Random forest 1
Range (aeronautics) 1
Recession 1
Reciprocal 1
Recklessness 1
Redress 1
Reef 1
Reforestation 1
Regression 1
Regression discontinuity design 1
Regulatory authority 1
Reinterpretation 1
Retail banking 1
Rhetoric 1
Risk society 1
Roof 1
Safeguarding 1
Salience (neuroscience) 1
Sanctions 1
Sanitation 1
Scenario analysis 1
Schedule 1
Scheme (mathematics) 1
Science policy 1
Scrutiny 1
Sea ice 1
Sea level 1
Section (typography) 1
Selection (genetic algorithm) 1
Sensitivity (control systems) 1
Service (business) 1
Simple (philosophy) 1
Slippery slope 1
Small and medium-sized enterprises 1
Social choice theory 1
Social connectedness 1
Social exclusion 1
Software deployment 1
Solar energy 1
Solar irradiance 1
Space (punctuation) 1
Species richness 1
Specific risk 1
Speculation 1
Stakeholder 1
Stern 1
Stock exchange 1
Storm 1
Stylized fact 1
Subject (documents) 1
Summary statistics 1
Support vector machine 1
Sustainable yield 1
Swarm behaviour 1
SWOT analysis 1
Taboo 1
Tacit knowledge 1
Tail risk 1
Tax revenue 1
Technical progress 1
Temptation 1
Term (time) 1
Terminology 1
Test (biology) 1
Theory of computation 1
Thermal comfort 1
Tobit model 1
Tonne 1
Tourism 1
Track (disk drive) 1
Transition economy 1
Transmission (telecommunications) 1
Trap (plumbing) 1
Treasury 1
Tropical climate 1
Tropics 1
Trough (economics) 1
Trustworthiness 1
Typology 1
Underpinning 1
Unemployment 1
Unit (ring theory) 1
Urban planning 1
Urbanization 1
Venture capital 1
Virus 1
Vocabulary 1
Voluntary disclosure 1
Wetland 1
Wildlife 1
Wind speed 1
Yield (engineering) 1
Zero (linguistics) 1

Level 3


level <- 3
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l3_concept count
Investment (military) 44
Climate Finance 43
Central bank 41
Systemic risk 34
Global warming 22
Climate risk 21
Climate change mitigation 15
Climate policy 15
Capital requirement 14
Credit reference 14
Democracy 14
Political economy of climate change 14
Sovereignty 14
Legitimacy 13
Technocracy 10
Transition (genetics) 10
Inflation targeting 8
Carbon fibers 7
Carbon tax 7
European integration 7
Green economy 7
Bureaucracy 6
Green growth 6
Institutional investor 6
Panacea (medicine) 6
Promotion (chess) 6
Structured finance 6
Carbon finance 5
Climate model 5
Credit default swap 5
Ecosystem services 5
Electricity generation 5
Ideology 5
Price of stability 5
Banking union 4
Carbon footprint 4
Climate science 4
Emissions trading 4
Energy security 4
Financial accounting 4
Financial capital 4
Global financial system 4
Green development 4
Infectious disease (medical specialty) 4
New Keynesian economics 4
Originality 4
Per capita 4
Planetary boundaries 4
Stock market 4
Asset allocation 3
Bioenergy 3
Capital adequacy ratio 3
Capitalism 3
Carbon price 3
Central government 3
Climate justice 3
Composite index 3
Extreme weather 3
Financial risk management 3
Fiscal union 3
Government bond 3
International political economy 3
Investment strategy 3
Land use, land-use change and forestry 3
Low-carbon economy 3
Monetary base 3
Monetary system 3
Operational risk 3
Political risk 3
Principal–agent problem 3
Robustness (evolution) 3
Austerity 2
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity 2
Bust 2
Carbon capture and storage (timeline) 2
Carbon neutrality 2
Carbon sequestration 2
Civil society 2
Climate resilience 2
Collective action 2
Corporate law 2
Creditor 2
Debt crisis 2
Deleveraging 2
Deliberation 2
Disinvestment 2
Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium 2
Ecological economics 2
Economic and monetary union 2
Financial fragility 2
Financial inclusion 2
Financial integration 2
Fiscal space 2
Food security 2
Governmentality 2
Hegemony 2
International relations 2
Polity 2
Pollination 2
Representation (politics) 2
Risk governance 2
Socioeconomic status 2
Sustainability organizations 2
AdaBoost 1
Aggregate demand 1
Agricultural productivity 1
Air pollutants 1
Apathy 1
Arctic ice pack 1
Bailout 1
Basis point 1
Biochar 1
Biodiversity conservation 1
Biological dispersal 1
Biome 1
Bond valuation 1
Brexit 1
Cancer therapy 1
Capital flows 1
Carbon market 1
Carbon offset 1
Chinese financial system 1
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 1
Climate change scenario 1
Climate protection 1
Collateralized debt obligation 1
Comparative politics 1
Conditionality 1
Confirmatory factor analysis 1
Convention on Biological Diversity 1
Corporate bond 1
Corporate security 1
Corporate sustainability 1
Crop insurance 1
Data quality 1
Debt financing 1
Default risk 1
Digital currency 1
Distributive justice 1
Dominance (genetics) 1
Downscaling 1
East Asia 1
Ecological footprint 1
Ecological stability 1
Economic capital 1
Economic inequality 1
Electric power 1
Electric power system 1
Elite 1
Endangered species 1
Endogenous money 1
Energy law 1
Energy market 1
Energy supply 1
Enterprise risk management 1
Equity financing 1
European monetary union 1
Event study 1
Exceptionalism 1
Exchange value 1
Executive compensation 1
External debt 1
Fiduciary 1
Financial deepening 1
Fixed asset 1
Fixed effects model 1
Frame analysis 1
Fund of funds 1
Geopolitics 1
Global change 1
Global governance 1
Government debt 1
Grassroots 1
Green roof 1
Greenwashing 1
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 1
Inclusive growth 1
Indirect finance 1
Intergenerational equity 1
Interglacial 1
Internal financing 1
Interregnum 1
Investment decisions 1
Investment fund 1
Investment management 1
Investment policy 1
Isomorphism (crystallography) 1
Land management 1
Legitimation 1
Linkage (software) 1
Liquefied natural gas 1
Livelihood 1
Mainstream economics 1
Marketization 1
Marxist philosophy 1
Maximum bubble pressure method 1
Member states 1
Millennium Development Goals 1
Monetarism 1
Monetary hegemony 1
Money market 1
Money supply 1
Moral hazard 1
Multi-level governance 1
Naive Bayes classifier 1
Nationalism 1
Neutropenia 1
Oil reserves 1
Open market operation 1
Optimum currency area 1
Overpopulation 1
Parliament 1
Peak oil 1
Physical capital 1
Planetary exploration 1
Political philosophy 1
Pollution haven hypothesis 1
Populism 1
Porter hypothesis 1
Portfolio allocation 1
Portfolio investment 1
Private finance initiative 1
Probability of default 1
Prudential regulation 1
Public opinion 1
Quantity theory of money 1
Ratification 1
Redistribution (election) 1
Regime shift 1
Risk appetite 1
Risk–return spectrum 1
Rituximab 1
Sea level rise 1
Shadow banking system 1
Shareholder 1
Social accounting 1
Solar Resource 1
Solvency 1
Sovereign wealth fund 1
Stewardship (theology) 1
Stock price 1
Student debt 1
Sustainable business 1
Sustainable society 1
Systematic review 1
Technical change 1
Technological innovation system 1
Thermal sensation 1
Threatened species 1
Total factor productivity 1
Transformation (genetics) 1
Transmission channel 1
Trilemma 1
Urban climate 1
Us dollar 1
Value at risk 1
Victory 1
Viral disease 1
Virtual currency 1
Zero lower bound 1
Zero-coupon bond 1
Zhàng 1

Level 4


level <- 4
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l4_concept count
Bond credit rating 13
Macroprudential regulation 12
Quantitative easing 12
Basel III 8
Sovereign credit 8
European debt crisis 7
Basel II 6
Energy transition 5
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 4
Credit channel 4
Sovereign debt 4
Accounting standard 3
Capital formation 3
Credit enhancement 3
Mark-to-market accounting 3
Money creation 3
Authoritarianism 2
Cost of electricity by source 2
Democratic deficit 2
Lender of last resort 2
Pollinator 2
Positive accounting 2
Regulatory competition 2
Representative Concentration Pathways 2
Stock market index 2
Antarctic sea ice 1
Assets under management 1
Autocracy 1
Bank rate 1
Bendamustine 1
Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage 1
Coastal flood 1
Constructivism (international relations) 1
Debt levels and flows 1
Democratization 1
Effects of global warming 1
Efficient-market hypothesis 1
Electricity system 1
Extinction event 1
Febrile neutropenia 1
Financial econometrics 1
Food prices 1
Global temperature 1
Herpesviridae 1
Heterodox economics 1
Interface (matter) 1
Malmquist index 1
Measurement of biodiversity 1
Member state 1
Monetary reform 1
Nameplate capacity 1
Regime change 1
Reserve requirement 1
Short rotation coppice 1
Sustainability science 1
Sustainable land management 1

Level 5


level <- 5
fn <- file.path(".", "data", paste0("concepts_l", level, ".rds"))
if (!file.exists(fn)) {
    x <- lapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
            x[["display_name"]][x[["level"]] == level]
    ) |>
        unlist() |>
        table() |> |>
    names(x) <- c(paste0("l", level, "_concept"), "count")
    saveRDS(x, fn)

fn |>
    readRDS() |>
l5_concept count
Basel I 5
Forward guidance 3
Pandemic 3
Risk-weighted asset 3
Complexity economics 1
Cytomegalovirus 1
Equity value 1
Future sea level 1
Risk-adjusted return on capital 1
Runaway climate change 1
Sovereign default 1




BibTeX citation:
  author = {Krug, Rainer M.},
  title = {Snowball Sampling {BBA} {Chapter} 6},
  pages = {undefined},
  date = {},
  doi = {99.99.99999999},
  langid = {en},
  abstract = {A snowball literature using
    {[}OpenAlex{]}( will be conducted and all
    steps documented. The literature search is for the finance section
    of Chapter 6 of the IPBES Business and Biodiversity assessment.}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Krug, Rainer M. n.d. “Snowball Sampling BBA Chapter 6.” IPBES Data Management Report.