The IPBES Ontology
Prepared by Maral Dadvar and Aidin Niamir
Contributors: Dave Thau, Benedict Omare and Renske
For any inquires please contact
Version: 05 Last Updated: January 30th, 2025
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10404413
The ontology developed for representing intergovernmental reports and
the broad topics and information that they cover.
Table of content
- Introduction
- Namespace Declarations
- The IPBES Ontology Description
- Classes and Attributes
- References
1. Introduction
The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is the intergovernmental body which assesses
the state of biodiversity and of the ecosystem services it provides to
society, in response to requests from decision makers. To this end, it
produces regular regional, national and global assessment reports in
collaborations with many experts, scientists and politicians from a wide
range of expertise, nationalities and backgrounds. To our knowledge,
there is no existing ontology for representation of intergovernmental
reports and the broad topics and information that they cover. To this
end, we have created the IPBES ontology as the stepping stone for
representing these types of data as LOD and make them accessible for
further exploration.
2. Namespace Declarations
This is the list of the namesspaces used in this ontology.
3. The IPBES Ontology
The classes and properties used in IPBES ontology are created on the
fly based on the information that we encounter and the concepts that we
aimed to represent. However, the usage of the properties is consistent
and the coined URI’s are stable and unique. Currently our ontology
consists of 6 classes, each representing a specific part of the data
along with their corresponding attributes.
4. Classes and Attributes
Properties |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
Skos:altLabel |
Alternative writing format or language of the preferred label |
ipbes:year |
The publication year |
ipbes:hasDoi |
The DOI number |
foaf.Person |
The list of co-chairs of this report |
Properties |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report of the chapter |
ipbes:hasDoi |
The DOI number |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
foaf.Person |
The list of persons who have a role in this chapter |
Properties |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
ipbes:Chapter |
Link to the class Chapter of the sub-chapter |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report of the sub-chapter |
ipbes:KeyMessage |
Link to the class KeyMessage for which the sub-chapter has been
referred to |
ipbes:Reference |
Link to the class reference for the citations used in each
subchapter |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter ,
report or person |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
Key message
Properties |
ipbes:BackgroundMessage |
Link to the class BackgroundMessage which the key message has been
referred to |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report of the key message |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
ipbes:hasEstablishedIncomplete |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasWellestablished |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasUnresolved |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasInconclusive |
Level of confidence |
Properties |
ipbes:SubMessage |
Link to the sub-messages used in each background message |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report of the key message |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
ipbes:hasEstablishedIncomplete |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasWellestablished |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasUnresolved |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasInconclusive |
Level of confidence |
Properties |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
ipbes:SubChapter |
Link to class SubChapter. Use for subchapters mentioned in the
sub-message |
ipbes:Illustration |
Link to class Illustration. Used for mentioned tables, figures or
boxes in the sub-message |
ipbes:hasEstablishedIncomplete |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasWellestablished |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasUnresolved |
Level of confidence |
ipbes:hasInconclusive |
Level of confidence |
Properties |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the chapter or sub-chapter or key message in the
report |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
ipbes:hasDoi |
The DOI number |
owl:sameAs |
Link to other resources such as the zotero repository of the
reference |
Properties |
ipbes:Chapter |
Link to the class Chapter in which the reference has been used |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report |
ipbes:SubChapter |
Link to the class SubChapter in which the reference has been
used |
owl:sameAs |
Link to other resources such as the zotero repository of the
reference |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes the content |
ipbes:hasDoi |
The DOI number |
Properties |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report |
ipbes:SubChapter |
Link to the class SubChapter in which the knowledge gap was
described |
ipbes:hasDescription |
The text that further describes each knowledge gap that is related
to the subchapters mentioned in the text |
ipbes:identifier |
The identifier of the sub-chapter or illustration mentioned in
description |
Class |
foaf.Person | |
Properties |
foaf:firstName |
First name of the person |
foaf:lastName |
Family name of the person |
ipbes:Chapter |
Link to the class Chapter in which the person has a role |
ipbes:Report |
Link to the class Report |
skos:prefLabel |
The label that is preferred to be used for a chapter, sub-chapter,
report or person |
owl:sameAs |
Link to other resources about the person, such as ORCID |
ipbes:country |
Country of residence of the person |
ipbes:ca |
Contributing authors in the stated chapter and report |
ipbes:cl |
Coordinating lead authors in the stated chapter and report |
ipbes:fl |
Fellows in the stated chapter and report |
ipbes:cs |
Co-chairs in the stated chapter and report |
ipbes:la |
Lead authors in the stated chapter and report |
ipbes:re |
Review editors in the stated chapter and report |
5. References