Internal code for setup of the snowball search.
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library (bibtex)
library (openalexR)
Thank you for using openalexR!
To acknowledge our work, please cite the package by calling `citation("openalexR")`.
To suppress this message, add `openalexR.message = suppressed` to your .Renviron file.
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library (writexl)
library (tibble)
library (dplyr)
Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
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Loading required package: ggplot2
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Attaching package: 'tidygraph'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
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if (! require ("IPBES.R" )){
install.packages (
repos = c ('' , '' )
Loading required package: IPBES.R
Warning: replacing previous import 'DT::JS' by 'networkD3::JS' when loading
Show the code
# library(ggplot2)
# library(knitr)
kp <- bibtex:: read.bib ("./key-paper.bib" )
dois <- sapply (
function (x) {
x$ doi
Searches are conducted with the OpenAlex API. The API is documented here .
Setup OpenAlex usage and do snowball serarch
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fn <- file.path ("data" , "key_works.rds" )
if (exists (fn)){
key_works <- readRDS (fn)
} else {
key_works <- oa_fetch (
entity = "works" ,
doi = dois,
verbose = FALSE
ids <- openalexR::: shorten_oaid (key_works$ id)
fn <- file.path ("data" , "snowball.rds" )
if (file.exists (fn)) {
snowball <- readRDS (fn)
} else {
snowball <- oa_snowball (
identifier = ids,
verbose = FALSE
saveRDS (snowball, fn)
flat_snow <- snowball2df (snowball) |>
tibble:: as_tibble ()
key_works_cit <- list (
c (cit = "Fisher et al. 2022" , id = "W4220786370" ),
c (cit = "Patterson et al. 2017" , id = "W2520670351" ),
c (cit = "Feola et al. 2015" , id = "W2020319093" ),
c (cit = "Loorbach et al. 2017" , id = "W2204133637" ),
c (cit = "Scoones et al. 2020" , id = "W3001406994" ),
c (cit = "Evans et al. 2023" , id = "W4379647013" )
Supplemented edges between all papers
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fn <- file.path ("data" , "snowball_supplemented.rds" )
if (file.exists (fn)) {
snowball_supplemented <- readRDS (fn)
} else {
new_edges <- tibble (
from = character (0 ),
to = character (0 )
works <- snowball$ nodes$ id
for (i in 1 : nrow (snowball$ nodes)) {
from <- works[[i]]
to <- gsub ("" , "" , snowball$ nodes$ referenced_works[[i]])
to_in_works <- to[to %in% works]
if (length (to_in_works) > 0 ) {
new_edges <- add_row (
tibble (
from = from,
to = to_in_works
snowball_supplemented <- snowball
snowball_supplemented$ edges <- add_row (snowball_supplemented$ edges, new_edges) |>
distinct ()
saveRDS (snowball_supplemented, fn)
Number of papers cited by keypapers
Show the code
x <- key_works_cit |>
simplify2array ()
keypapers <- x["cit" , ]
names (keypapers) <- x["id" , ]
rm (x)
snowball$ edges |>
filter (from %in% names (keypapers)) |>
unique () |>
mutate (
cit = unlist (keypapers[from])
) |>
select (cit) |>
table () |> () |>
arrange (desc (Freq)) |>
knitr:: kable (
col.names = c ("Key paper" , "Number of papers" ),
caption = "Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search"
Number of papers cited by Keypapers in the snowball search
Loorbach et al. 2017
Patterson et al. 2017
Scoones et al. 2020
Feola et al. 2015
Fisher et al. 2022
Evans et al. 2023
Show the code
snowball$ edges |>
filter (to %in% names (keypapers)) |>
unique () |>
mutate (
cit = unlist (keypapers[to]),
) |>
select (cit) |>
table () |> () |>
arrange (desc (Freq)) |>
knitr:: kable (
col.names = c ("Key paper" , "Number of papers" ),
caption = "No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search"
No of papers citing the Keypapers in the snowball search
Loorbach et al. 2017
Patterson et al. 2017
Feola et al. 2015
Scoones et al. 2020
Fisher et al. 2022
Evans et al. 2023
Save snowball as Excel file
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fn <- file.path ("." , "data" , "snowball_excel.xlsx" )
if (! file.exists (fn)){
IPBES.R:: to_xlsx (snowball, fn)
To download the Excsl file with all references, plese click here .
Graph of links between references
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no <- list.files ("figures" , pattern = "snowball_cited" , full.names = TRUE ) |>
length ()
if (no != 4 ){
snowball$ nodes$ cited_by_count_by_year <- snowball$ nodes$ cited_by_count / (2024 - snowball$ nodes$ publication_year)
snowball_p <- snowball
for (i in seq_along (key_works_cit)) {
snowball_p$ nodes$ id[snowball_p$ nodes$ id %in% key_works_cit[[i]]["id" ]] <- key_works_cit[[i]]["cit" ]
snowball_p$ edges$ from[snowball_p$ edges$ from %in% key_works_cit[[i]]["id" ]] <- key_works_cit[[i]]["cit" ]
snowball_p$ edges$ to[snowball_p$ edges$ to %in% key_works_cit[[i]]["id" ]] <- key_works_cit[[i]]["cit" ]
IPBES.R:: plot_snowball (snowball_p, name = "snowball" , path = "figures" )
rm (snowball_p)