Show the code
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
nature_count = compact(paste0("(", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
Data Management Report
A short description what this is about. This is not a tracditional abstract, but rather something else …
%The BuidNo is automatically increased by one each time the report is rendered. It is used to indicate different renderings when the version stays the same%.
All searches are done on Using the OpenAlex database.
In addition, all searches are run in combination with the search term foir nature.
The search terms are based on the shared google doc. They are cleaned up for the usage in OpenAlex.
The search terms is nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
nature_count = compact(paste0("(", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search terms is tfc
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
tfc_count = compact(paste0("(", tfc_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search terms is tfc AND nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
tfc_nature_count = compact(paste0("(", tfc_st, ") AND (", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search terms is R1 AND Nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
R1_count = compact(paste0("(", R1_st, ") AND (", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search terms is R2 AND Nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
R2_count = compact(paste0("(", R2_st, ") AND (", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search term is R1 AND R2 AND Nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
R1_R2_count = compact(paste0("(", R1_st, ") AND (", R2_st, ") AND (", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
The search terms is policy AND Nature
<- openalexR::oa_fetch(
policy_count = compact(paste0("(", policy_st, ") AND (", nature_st, ")")),
count_only = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
"count"] )[,
@report{m krug,
author = {M Krug, Rainer and Krug, Rainer M.},
title = {Report {Assessment} {Ch5} {Inventoring} {Options}},
doi = {XXXXXX},
langid = {en},
abstract = {A short description what this is about. This is not a
tracditional abstract, but rather something else ...}