This is a technical background document for the IPBES Thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity. It provides technical details and implementation settings for the data management report of the Transformative Change Assessment Corpus and its usage. The sole purpose of this document is to document the workflows used to produce statistics, figures and maps, to document the source of the data and to make the process transparent and reproducible.
The literature search for the Transformative Change assessment corpus was conducted using search terms provided by the experts and refined in co-operation with the IPBES task force for data and knowledge management. The search was conducted using OpenAlex, scripted from R to use the OpenAlex API. Search terms for the following searches were defined:
Transformative Change,
Nature / Environment
case studies and
additional search terms for specific corpora
To assess the quality of the corpus, sets of key papers were selected by the experts to verify if these are in the corpus. These key papers were selected per chapter / sub-chapter to ensure that the corpus is representative of each chapter.
The following terminology is used in this document:
Corpus: A body of works as based on a search on OpenAlex
Transformative Change Assessment Corpus: Short: TCA corpus; The corpus resulting from the search terms transformative AND nature
Case corpus: The corpus resulting from transformative AND nature AND case
work: terminology used for a single document in their datasewt. Each work has a unique OpenAlex id, but not necesarily a DOI.
The following searches are conducted on Title and Abstract only as the availability of fulltexts drops in 2020. OpenAlex “inherited” their initial corpus from Microsoft Academic, which contained a many fulltext articles. After that initial start, other sources were used which did not all include fulltext versions. To eliminate a bias towards fulltext articles, we limited the search to abstracts and titles only.
The data files of the repository are deposited in a separate Zenodo deposit under the doi 10.5281/zenodo.11370839. To re-download these, simply delete the data directory and run this code (or compile the report).
This code will only work after the approval of the assessment, until then, the repository will remain confidential.
Show the code
if (!dir.exists("data")) {dir.create("data")}fns <-c("cluster.rds", "key_works.rds", "snowball.rds", "")for (fn in fns) {if (!file.exists(fn)) { url <-paste0("", fn) |>download.file(destfile = fn) }}
Search Terms
Here are the search terms used in this document. They were provided by the authors, and some adaptations were done by the tsu for data and knowledge management to adapt them to be suitable for a search in OpenAlex.
Transformative Change
Show the code
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
Show the code
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature
Assessment Corpus
Show the code
( biodiversity
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature )
( (
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
) )
Show the code
( biodiversity
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature )
( (
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
) )
( "case study"
"field work"
OR "concrete case"
OR empirical
OR "real world example"
OR observational
OR practical
OR experimental
OR "in depth"
OR "real life case"
OR ethnography
OR "specific study"
OR "illustrative example"
) )
Show the code
Painting OR
Sculpture OR
Photography OR
Drawing OR
Printmaking OR
Ceramics OR
Performance art OR
"Digital art" OR
Figurative OR
Contemporary OR
Gallery OR
Exhibition OR
"Art history" OR
"Fine arts" OR
"Art critique" OR
Collage OR
"Street art" OR
Portraiture OR
Minimalism OR
Surrealism OR
Expressionism OR
"Art therapy" OR
"Art education" OR
"Public art" OR
"Art collecting" OR
"Art fairs" OR
"Modern art" OR
Baroque OR
Impressionism OR
Cubism OR
Realism OR
"Art movements" OR
"Conceptual art" OR
"Art funding" OR
"Art workshops" OR
"Art communities" OR
"Art criticism" OR
"Eco art" OR
"Folk art" OR
Muralism OR
"Art residence"
Show the code
Journalism OR
Broadcasting OR
"Social media" OR
"Digital media" OR
Multimedia OR
News OR
Film OR
Television OR
Radio OR
"Mass communication" OR
"Media ethics" OR
"Public relations" OR
"Media studies" OR
"Media literacy" OR
"Media production" OR
Newspapers OR
Magazines OR
"Media law" OR
"Media platforms" OR
"Media technology" OR
"Cultural media" OR
"Mobile media" OR
Documentary OR
Webcasting OR
"Live streaming" OR
Vlogs OR
"Media campaigns" OR
"Digital storytelling" OR
"Media management" OR
"Media psychology" OR
"Media convergence" OR
"Media networking" OR
"Influencer marketing" OR
"Data journalism" OR
"Media activism" OR
"Citizen journalism" OR
Press OR
"News outlets" OR
"Media outlets"
Strategies and Options
In contrast to the other search terms, this one contains multiple sets of search terms
# Strategy 1: Conserving and regenerating places of value to nature and people
## Action 1.1: Recognizing and conserving "territories of life"
"Biocultural conservation" OR
"Biosphere reserve" OR
"Community-based management" OR
"Community-led conservation" OR
"Community protocol" OR
"Community quota" OR
"Convivial conservation" OR
"Comanagement" OR
"Customary tenure" OR
"Indigenous and community conserved area" OR
"Indigenous jurisdiction" OR
"Indigenous-led conservation" OR
"Multi-functional landscape" OR
"Other effective area-based conservation measure" OR
"Resource stewardship" OR
"Sacred grove" OR
"Sacred site" OR
"Territories of life" OR
"Tribal park"
## Action 1.2: Enhancing rights-based approaches
"Access and benefit sharing" OR
"Community rights" OR
"Ecocide" OR
"Food sovereignty" OR
"Free prior and informed consent" OR
"Human rights" OR
"Indigenous language" OR
"Indigenous Peoples’ rights" OR
"Indigenous data sovereignty" OR
"Intellectual property rights" OR
"Civil and political rights" OR
"Economic social and cultural rights" OR
"International human rights" OR
"International Labour Organization Convention" OR
"Land sovereignty" OR
"Legal pluralism" OR
"Nature rights" OR
"Rights of nature" OR
"Right to water" OR
"Tenure rights" OR
"Territorial use rights" OR
"Rights of Indigenous Peoples" OR
## Action 1.3a: Basing conservation on diverse values of nature. Conservation
"Blue park" OR
"Ethical space" OR
"Forest conservation" OR
"Forest reserve" OR
"Habitat protection" OR
"High sea conservation" OR
"Marine managed area" OR
"Marine park" OR
"Marine protected area" OR
"Marine reserve" OR
"National park" OR
"Nature reserve" OR
"Private reserve" OR
"Protected area" OR
"Recreation area" OR
"Transboundary protected area" OR
"Wildlife conservation" OR
"Wildlife reserve"
## Action 1.3b: Basing conservation on diverse values of nature. Management and monitoring
"Coastal governance" OR
"Coastal management" OR
"Coastal monitoring" OR
"Ecosystem-based management" OR
"Environmental impact assessment" OR
"Environmental monitoring" OR
"Environmental remote sensing" OR
"Fish monitoring" OR
"Forest monitoring" OR
"Integrated coastal zone management" OR
"Integrated landscape management" OR
"Invasive alien species management" OR
"Land monitoring" OR
"Marine governance" OR
"Marine mammal monitoring" OR
"Marine monitoring" OR
"Ocean monitoring" OR
"Sustainable land management" OR
"Sustainable wildlife management" OR
"Species monitoring" OR
"Transboundary water management" OR
"Watershed management"
## Action 1.4: Shifting from extractive to regenerative systems
"Biodiversity restoration" OR
"Connectivity restoration" OR
"Ecosystem restoration" OR
"Ecological regeneration" OR
"Ecological restoration" OR
"Environmental regeneration" OR
"Floodplain restoration" OR
"Forest restoration" OR
"Habitat restoration" OR
"Species reintroduction" OR
"Landscape restoration" OR
"Regenerative agriculture" OR
"Regenerative farming" OR
"Regenerative sustainability" OR
"Remedial action" OR
"Rewilding" OR
"Soil restoration" OR
"Restoration ecology" OR
"Regenerative system"
## Action 1.5: Advancing integrated spatial planning
"Buffer zone" OR
"Coastal planning" OR
"Development control regulation" OR
"Habitat conservation plan" OR
"Holistic planned grazing" OR
"Infrastructure planning" OR
"Integrated spatial planning" OR
"Land law" OR
"Land use permit" OR
"Land use planning" OR
"Marine spatial planning" OR
"National biodiversity strategy and action plan" OR
"Ocean planning" OR
"Participatory planning" OR
"Spatial planning" OR
"Strategic environmental assessment"
# Strategy 2: Driving systemic change in the sectors most responsible for biodiversity loss and nature’s decline
## Action 2.1a: Regulating resource extraction. Regulation
"Commodity chain regulation" OR
"Consumption regulation" OR
"Consumer tax" OR
"Consumption tax" OR
"Cross-compliance" OR
"Emission caps" OR
"Invasive species regulation" OR
"Land use regulation" OR
"Land acquisition regulation" OR
"Licensing and permitting" OR
"Logging regulation" OR
"Pollution control" OR
"Resource extraction regulation" OR
"Resource management law" OR
"Regulatory measure" OR
"Resource capping" OR
"Sustainable public procurement" OR
"Trade regulation" OR
"Wildlife trade regulation" OR
"Zoning regulation"
## Action 2.1b: Regulating resource extraction. Standards and certifications
"Certification" OR
"Collaborative supply chain" OR
"Ecolabel" OR
"Environmental certification" OR
"Environmental guideline" OR
"Environmental label" OR
"Environmental standard" OR
"Fair trade certification" OR
"Forest stewardship council certification" OR
"Green branding" OR
"ISO standard" OR
"LEED certification" OR
"Marine stewardship council certification" OR
"Organic certification" OR
"Participatory guarantee system" OR
"Production standards" OR
"Sustainable seafood initiative" OR
"Sustainable sourcing" OR
"Third-party auditing" OR
"Third-party verification" OR
"Seafood watch"
## Action 2.2a: Embedding technology in transformative frameworks. Green technology
"Biofuel" OR
"Biomass energy production" OR
"Biomimetic" OR
"Climate-smart agriculture" OR
"Coordinated transport" OR
"Cradle-to-cradle" OR
"Digital agriculture" OR
"Fuel-efficient vehicle" OR
"Geothermal energy" OR
"Green building material" OR
"Green technology" OR
"Hybrid vehicle" OR
"Microgrid" OR
"Minigrid" OR
"Renewable energy" OR
"Smart technologies" OR
"Solar panel" OR
"Solar photovoltaic system" OR
"Wind turbine"
## Action 2.2b: Embedding technology in transformative frameworks. Green infrastructure
"Biofilter" OR
"Bioswale" OR
"Constructed wetland" OR
"Energy efficient building" OR
"Green architecture" OR
"Green infrastructure" OR
"Green logistics" OR
"Green roof" OR
"Green street" OR
"Green wall" OR
"Living shoreline" OR
"Multi-purpose structure" OR
"Nature-based solution" OR
"Permeable pavement" OR
"Public transport" OR
"Rain garden" OR
"Riparian buffer" OR
"Sustainable drainage system" OR
"Sustainable infrastructure" OR
"Urban agriculture" OR
"Urban forest" OR
"Urban park" OR
"Vegetated swale" OR
"Water infrastructure"
## Action 2.3: Financing for global sustainability
"Biodiversity finance" OR
"Climate finance" OR
"Conservation finance" OR
"Conservation funding" OR
"Conservation philanthropy" OR
"Conservation trust fund" OR
"Debt-for-nature swap" OR
"Direct funding to community" OR
"Ecological finance" OR
"Environmental finance" OR
"Environmental harmful subsidies" OR
"Harmful subsidies" OR
"Nature finance" OR
"Lost and damage" OR
"Ocean finance" OR
"Public funding for conservation" OR
"Public-private partnership"
## Action 2.4: Supporting civil society initiatives
"Boycott" OR
"Collective action network" OR
"Community garden" OR
"Environmental action" OR
"Environmental advocacy" OR
"Environmental lawsuit" OR
"Environmental mobilization" OR
"Environmental public interest litigation" OR
"Environmental social movement" OR
"Farmers market" OR
"Food cooperative" OR
"Formal petition" OR
"Hunger strike" OR
"Land occupation" OR
"Media-based activism" OR
"Name and shame" OR
"Non-cooperation" OR
"Non-violent protest" OR
"Persuasion" OR
"Public campaign" OR
"Road blockade" OR
"Social innovations" OR
"Social movement" OR
"Strike" OR
"Street protest" OR
"Transition town" OR
"Urban garden"
# Strategy 3: Transforming economic systems for nature and equity
## Action 3.1: Mainstreaming innovative economic tools
"B-Corp" OR
"Biodiversity banking" OR
"Biodiversity compensation" OR
"Biodiversity mitigation bank" OR
"Biodiversity trading" OR
"Cap and trade" OR
"Cap and share" OR
"Consumer demand for transparency" OR
"Convention against corruption" OR
"Conflict of interest regulation" OR
"Corporate disclosure" OR
"Corporate social responsibility" OR
"Corporate sustainability reporting" OR
"Conservation banking" OR
"Environmental mitigation" OR
"Financial disclosure" OR
"Internalization of externalities" OR
"Market-based finance" OR
"No net loss" OR
"Payment for ecosystem services" OR
"Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation" OR
"Remediation" OR
"True price" OR
"Zero deforestation"
## Action 3.2a: Supporting just transitions. Sustainable production
"Agri-environmental and climate measure" OR
"Agroecology" OR
"Agroforestry" OR
"Biological agriculture" OR
"Best practices for production" OR
"Carbon farming" OR
"Climate-smart agriculture" OR
"Community-supported agriculture" OR
"Conservation tillage" OR
"Crop diversification" OR
"Manufacturing best practices" OR
"Organic agriculture" OR
"Reduced impact logging" OR
"Responsible production" OR
"Sustainable agricultural intensification" OR
"Sustainable aquaculture" OR
"Sustainable design" OR
"Sustainable fishing" OR
"Sustainable production" OR
"Sustainable small-scale fishery" OR
"Swidden agriculture"
## Action 3.2b: Supporting just transitions. Alternative economic models
"Alternative business" OR
"Alternative economic" OR
"Bioeconomy" OR
"Business for nature" OR
"Caring economy" OR
"Circular economy" OR
"Circular bioeconomy" OR
"Degrowth" OR
"Doughnut economics" OR
"Economic of biodiversity" OR
"Ecological economics" OR
"Ecosystem accounting" OR
"Governing the commons" OR
"Mainstreaming biodiversity" OR
"Managing the commons" OR
"Nature positive economy" OR
"Natural capital accounting" OR
"Natural social contract" OR
"Not-for-profit economy" OR
"Regenerative business" OR
"Regenerative capitalism" OR
"Relocalize" OR
"Sharing economy" OR
"Steady state economy" OR
"Wellbeing economics"
## Action 3.3: Reforming financial systems
"Biodiversity offset" OR
"Carbon credit" OR
"Commodity future" OR
"Central bank reform" OR
"Debt relief" OR
"Debt service suspension" OR
"Derivative trading" OR
"Ecological fiscal transfer" OR
"Environmental tax" OR
"Environmental impact bond" OR
"Green subsidy" OR
"Green public procurement" OR
"Green tax" OR
"Global exchange price" OR
"IMF reform" OR
"Financial reform" OR
"Progressive tax" OR
"Tax haven" OR
"Reduce inequality" OR
"Subsidy reform" OR
"Sustainable finance" OR
"Tradable permit" OR
"Trade ban" OR
"Tobin tax" OR
"Universal basic income" OR
"Wealth tax" OR
"WTO reform"
## Action 3.4: Adopting new metrics of success
"Better Life Index" OR
"Ecological footprint" OR
"Genuine Progress Indicator" OR
"Genuine saving" OR
"Green GDP" OR
"Gross National Happiness" OR
"Happy Planet Index" OR
"Human Development Index" OR
"Inclusive Wealth Index" OR
"Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare" OR
"Inequality index" OR
"Real wealth" OR
"Social Progress Index" OR
"Thriving Places Index" OR
"System of Environmental Economic Accounting" OR
"Wellbeing budget"
# Strategy 4: Transforming governance systems to be inclusive, accountable, and adaptive
## Action 4.1: Strengthening biodiversity in integrated governance
"Access to justice" OR
"Anti-corruption measures" OR
"Biodiversity Policy Integration" OR
"Convention against corruption" OR
"Cross-sectoral coordination" OR
"Cross-sectoral planning" OR
"Environmental assessment" OR
"Institutional arrangement" OR
"Institutional independence" OR
"Institutional reform" OR
"Integrated assessment" OR
"Integrated governance" OR
"Integrated public governance" OR
"Judicial independence" OR
"Lobbying regulation" OR
"Measures against corruption" OR
"Policy coherence" OR
"Policy coordination" OR
"Policy Integration" OR
"Representing biodiversity values" OR
"Strategic planning" OR
"Strategic visioning" OR
"Transparent governance"
## Action 4.2.: Engaging diverse actors in inclusive governance
"Biodiversity councils" OR
"Bottom-up governance" OR
"Citizen assembly" OR
"Collaborative agreement" OR
"Community meeting" OR
"Customary law" OR
"Customary norm" OR
"Deep democracy" OR
"Deliberative democracy" OR
"Engagement of Indigenous peoples and local communities" OR
"Gender sensitive approaches" OR
"Gender responsive governance" OR
"Inclusive governance" OR
"Indigenous governance" OR
"Multi-stakeholder consultation" OR
"Multi-stakeholder partnership" OR
"New social contract" OR
"Participatory decision-making" OR
"Policy co-creation" OR
"Policy co-design" OR
"Public consultation" OR
"Public participation" OR
"Stakeholder engagement"
## Action 4.3.: Securing collaboration and accountability in multilateral governance
"Aichi Biodiversity Target" OR
"BBNJ Treaty" OR
"Bilateral agreements" OR
"Convention on Biological Diversity" OR
"Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species" OR
"Convention to Combat Desertification" OR
"EU Green Deal" OR
"Inclusive global governance" OR
"International collaboration" OR
"Kyoto Protocol" OR
"Minamata Convention" OR
"Montreal Protocol" OR
"Multilateral agreement" OR
"Multilateral governance" OR
"Multilevel governance" OR
"Nagoya Protocol" OR
"Network governance" OR
"Paris Agreement" OR
"Ramsar Convention" OR
"Polycentric governance" OR
"Rio Declaration" OR
"Rotterdam Convention" OR
"Stockholm Convention" OR
"Sustainable Development Goal"
## Action 4.4.: Strengthening learning through informed, accountable, and adaptive governance
"Access to environmental information" OR
"Accountable governance" OR
"Adaptive governance" OR
"Adaptive management" OR
"Administrative entrepreneurship" OR
"Conflict resolution" OR
"Flexible regulation" OR
"Freedom of information" OR
"Informed governance" OR
"Institutional entrepreneurship" OR
"Iterative decision making" OR
"Iterative planning" OR
"Local governance" OR
"Monitoring evaluation and learning" OR
"Ombudsman" OR
"Open government" OR
"Overcome path-dependencies" OR
"Participatory evaluation" OR
"Press freedom" OR
"Policy monitoring" OR
"Planning monitoring and evaluation" OR
"Reflexive governance" OR
"Risk management" OR
"Whistleblower protection"
# Strategy 5.: Shifting societal views, values, and paradigms to recognize and prioritize the fundamental interconnections between humans and nature that sustain life for all beings
## Action 5.1.: Increasing nature connectedness
"Balanced relationship" OR
"Biophilia" OR
"Caring for nature" OR
"Connecting with nature" OR
"Ecocentrism" OR
"Ecohealth" OR
"Environmental connection" OR
"Environmental stewardship" OR
"Harmony with nature" OR
"Holistic worldview" OR
"Human-nature connectedness" OR
"Human-nature relationship" OR
"Intrinsic value" OR
"Indigenous worldview" OR
"Nature connectedness" OR
"One health" OR
"Planetary health" OR
"Planetary wellbeing" OR
"Relational values" OR
"Spiritual connection" OR
"Unitive vision" OR
"Utilitarian value"
## Action 5.2.: Shifting culture through new narratives
"Awareness campaign" OR
"Choice architecture" OR
"Community dialogue" OR
"Cultural narrative" OR
"Cultural transformation" OR
"Environmental discourse" OR
"Environmental narrative" OR
"Environmental perspective" OR
"Environmental storytelling" OR
"Green discourse" OR
"Green marketing" OR
"Green narrative" OR
"Green perspective" OR
"Mass media campaign" OR
"Peer-to-peer communication" OR
"Regenerative culture" OR
"Unitive narrative" OR
"Youth empowerment"
## Action 5.3.: Changing social norms
"Behavioral nudge" OR
"Collaborative consumption" OR
"Consumption reduction" OR
"Dietary transition" OR
"Ethical consumerism" OR
"Food waste reduction" OR
"Frugal consumption" OR
"Green consumption" OR
"Localized food system" OR
"Lifestyle change" OR
"Minimalist lifestyle" OR
"Normative feedback" OR
"Nudging" OR
"Plant-based diet" OR
"Reduce consumption" OR
"Recycling" OR
"Responsible consumption" OR
"Reusing" OR
"Shared consumption" OR
"Shared ownership" OR
"Simple living" OR
"Sustainable consumption" OR
"Sustainable use" OR
"Sustainable practices" OR
"Zero waste"
## Action 5.4. Facilitating transformative learning
"Adult learning" OR
"Capacity building" OR
"Capacity development" OR
"Cultural exchange" OR
"Cultural revitalization" OR
"Environmental curriculum" OR
"Environmental education" OR
"Experiential learning" OR
"Experiential teaching" OR
"Inner development" OR
"Inner transformation" OR
"Indigenous education" OR
"Inner capacity" OR
"Personal transformation" OR
"Practical learning" OR
"Sacred teaching" OR
"Social learning" OR
"Solution space" OR
"Transformation lab" OR
"Transformative learning" OR
"Transformational learning" OR
"Unitive education"
## Action 5.5. Co-creating knowledge
"Art-science collaboration" OR
"Boundary spanning" OR
"Citizen science" OR
"Co-creative inquiry" OR
"Co-creation of knowledge" OR
"Co-design" OR
"Collaborative knowledge production" OR
"Collaborative research and learning" OR
"Collective knowledge generation" OR
"Community-based participatory research" OR
"Epistemic justice" OR
"Interfaith collaboration" OR
"Interfaith dialogue" OR
"Joint knowledge development" OR
"Jointly constructed knowledge" OR
"Knowledge brokerage" OR
"Knowledge co-creation" OR
"Knowledge co-design" OR
"Knowledge coproduction" OR
"Mode-2 knowledge production" OR
"Multiple evidence-based approach" OR
"Participatory action research" OR
"Transdisciplinary research" OR
"Weaving knowledge"
In contrast to the other search terms, this one contains multiple sets of search terms
Show the code
#|cat(params$sts_actors |>paste0(collapse ="\n"))
# Sector 1: Civil society
## Civil society organizations
"Affinity group" OR
"Citizen group" OR
"Civil society organization" OR
"Community-based organization" OR
"Community leader" OR
"Consumer group" OR
"Co-op" OR
"Coop" OR
"Cultural group" OR
"Faith-based organization" OR
"Faith community" OR
"Grassroots organization" OR
"Human rights organization" OR
"Neighborhood" OR
"Non-profit organization" OR
"Labor organization" OR
"Labor union" OR
"Professional association" OR
"Religious group" OR
"Religious institution" OR
"Religious organization" OR
"Self-help group" OR
"Social organization" OR
"Trade union" OR
"Voluntary organization" OR
"Welfare organization" OR
"Youth group" OR
"Youth organization" OR
"Women’s group"
## Environmental movements/activists
"Advocacy group" OR
"Conservation group" OR
"Conservation organization" OR
"Environmental defender" OR
"Environmental group" OR
"Environmental justice movement" OR
"Environmental movement" OR
"Environmental organization" OR
"Environmental social movement" OR
"Environmental activist" OR
"Environmental advocate" OR
"Environmental protester" OR
"Environmental campaigner" OR
"Environmental leader" OR
"Environmental reformer" OR
"Ocean defender"
## Indigenous people
"Aboriginal" OR
"Adivasi" OR
"Autochthonous People" OR
"First Australian" OR
"First Nations" OR
"First People" OR
"Indigenous People" OR
"Native American" OR
"Native People" OR
"Original inhabitant" OR
"Traditional community" OR
"Tribal community" OR
## Individual citizens
"Adolescent" OR
"Champion of the earth" OR
"Change agent" OR
"Change-maker" OR
"Citizen" OR
"Common people" OR
"Consumer" OR
"Individual citizen" OR
"Lay person" OR
"Lay people" OR
"Millenial" OR
"Neighbour" OR
"Teenager" OR
"Youth" OR
## Local communities
"Agricultural worker" OR
"Artisanal fisher" OR
"Coastal community" OR
"Community association" OR
"Farmer" OR
"Fisher" OR
"Fishmonger" OR
"Fishing community" OR
"Forest dweller" OR
"Gatherer" OR
"Herbalist" OR
"Hunter" OR
"Forest users group" OR
"Local community" OR
"Miner" OR
"Pastoralist" OR
"Peasant" OR
"Poacher" OR
"Smallholder" OR
"Small-scale fishing community" OR
"Trader" OR
"Village committee" OR
"Village group"
## NGO
"Conservation International" OR
"Conservation NGO" OR
"Development NGO" OR
"Environmental non-governmental organization" OR
"Environmental NGO" OR
"Greenpeace" OR
"Independent sector" OR
"Non-state actor" OR
"The Nature Conservancy" OR
"Third-sector organisation" OR
"Oceana" OR
"World Wide Fund for Nature" OR
# Sector 2: Private sector
## Business
"Board of directors" OR
"Business" OR
"Business owner" OR
"Business partner" OR
"Chamber of commerce" OR
"Company" OR
"Contractor" OR
"Enterprise" OR
"Entrepreneur" OR
"Farm manager" OR
"Farm owner" OR
"Firm" OR
"Franchise" OR
"Logger" OR
"Logging company" OR
"Mining company" OR
"Mining concession" OR
"Park manager" OR
"Plantation manager" OR
"Plantation owner" OR
"Producer" OR
"Rancher" OR
"Shareholder" OR
"Stockholder" OR
"Supplier" OR
## Donor/foundations
"Benefactor" OR
"Charity" OR
"Charitable organization" OR
"Donor" OR
"Funding agency" OR
"Funding body" OR
"Grantmaker" OR
"Grant-making" OR
"Environmental defence fund" OR
"Fundraiser" OR
"Impact investor" OR
"Philanthropic organization" OR
"Social investor" OR
## Financial actors
"Asset management company" OR
"Bank" OR
"Bank for international settlement" OR
"Central bank" OR
"Clearinghouse" OR
"Commercial bank" OR
"Credit rating agency" OR
"Federal reserve system" OR
"Financial Action Task Force" OR
"Financial stability board" OR
"Fintech companies" OR
"Insurance company" OR
"International Monetary Fund" OR
"Investment bank" OR
"Micro-banking" OR
"Micro-credit" OR
"Pension fund" OR
"Private equity firm" OR
"Regulatory authority" OR
"Securities and exchange commission" OR
"Settlement system" OR
"Stock exchange" OR
"Venture capital firm" OR
"World Bank"
# Sector 3: Government
## Intergovernmental organizations
"Earth System Governance" OR
"European Environmental Agency" OR
"Global Environment Facility" OR
"Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" OR
"Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services" OR
"Intergovernmental organization" OR
"International Union for Conservation of Nature" OR
"United Nations Development Programme" OR
"United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" OR
"World Conservation Monitoring Centre"
## Justice system
"Attorney" OR
"Bailiff" OR
"Correctional officer" OR
"Court clerk" OR
"Court interpreter" OR
"Defense attorney" OR
"Forensic expert" OR
"Judge" OR
"Judicial officer" OR
"Jury" OR
"Law enforcement officer" OR
"Lawyer" OR
"Legal aid organization" OR
"Legal assistant" OR
"Legal professional" OR
"Magistrate" OR
"Paralegal" OR
"Parole officer" OR
"Probation officer" OR
"Prosecutor" OR
"Victim advocate"
## Local/regional government
"City councillor" OR
"City council" OR
"County commission" OR
"County commissioner" OR
"County government" OR
"Local administrator" OR
"Local board" OR
"Local government" OR
"Local official" OR
"Mayor" OR
"Municipal government" OR
"Municipality" OR
"Prefecture" OR
"Provincial government" OR
"Regional government" OR
"State government"
## National government
"Civil servant" OR
"Congress" OR
"Department of environment" OR
"Government officer" OR
"Internal security agency" OR
"Military" OR
"Minister" OR
"Ministry" OR
"Member of congress" OR
"Member of parliament" OR
"National government" OR
"Parliament" OR
"Political party" OR
"Police" OR
"Policymaker" OR
"Royalty" OR
"Social service agency" OR
"Treasury department"
# Sector 4: Communication and knowledge
## Education
"Curriculum developer" OR
"Educator" OR
"Guidance counsellor" OR
"Headmaster" OR
"Headmistress" OR
"Higher education institution" OR
"Instructor" OR
"Principal" OR
"School" OR
"School board" OR
"School student" OR
"School teacher" OR
"Teachers association" OR
"Technical institute" OR
"Training institute"
## Media and communication
"Blogger" OR
"Digital platform" OR
"Documentary" OR
"Editor-in-chief" OR
"Filmmaker" OR
"Freelancer" OR
"Journalist" OR
"Magazine" OR
"Newspaper" OR
"News broadcast" OR
"News website" OR
"Online media" OR
"Photojournalist" OR
"Podcast" OR
"Radio station" OR
"Reporter" OR
"Social media platform" OR
"Television" OR
## Networks
"Advocacy coalition" OR
"Advocacy network" OR
"Boundary organization" OR
"Boundary spanner" OR
"Broker" OR
"Collaborative sustainability initiative" OR
"Community network" OR
"Global action network" OR
"Indigenous peoples network" OR
"Knowledge-action network" OR
"Learning network" OR
"Living lab" OR
"Multi-stakeholder platform" OR
"Partnership network" OR
"Policy network" OR
"Social network" OR
"Sustainability facilitator" OR
"Technology network" OR
"Transition intermediary"
## Scientific community
"Academic institution" OR
"College" OR
"Lecturer" OR
"Professor" OR
"Research agency" OR
"Research and development agency" OR
"Research center" OR
"Research institute" OR
"Research organization" OR
"Scientific institution" OR
"Scientific society" OR
"Scientific association" OR
"Scientist" OR
"Technology transfer office" OR
"Think tank" OR
Get and calculate Data from OpenAlex
These data is gathered from OpenAlex directly, not using the downloaded TCA Corpus. The data is used to assess the quality of the TCA Corpus.
The corpus download will be stored in data/pages and the arrow database in data/corpus.
This is not on GitHub!
The corpus can be read by running get_corpus() which opens the database, so that then it can be fed into a dplyr pipeline. After most dplyr functions, the actual data needs to be collected via collect().
Only then is the actual data read!
Needs to be enabled by setting eval: true in the code block below.
The Sectors definition is based on the subfields assigned to each work by OpenAlex. These were grouped by experts into sectors. See this Google Doc for details.
#|if (!dir.exists(params$corpus_authors_dir)) { con <- duckdb::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), read_only =FALSE)corpus_read(params$corpus_dir) |> arrow::to_duckdb(table_name ="corpus", con = con) |>invisible()paste0("CREATE VIEW corpus_unnest AS ","SELECT "," AS work_id, ","corpus.publication_year AS publication_year, ","UNNEST(author).au_id AS au_id, ","UNNEST(author).au_display_name AS au_display_name, ","UNNEST(author).au_orcid AS au_orcid, ","UNNEST(author).author_position AS author_position, ","UNNEST(author).is_corresponding AS is_corresponding, ","UNNEST(author).au_affiliation_raw AS au_affiliation_raw, ","UNNEST(author).institution_id AS institution_id, ","UNNEST(author).institution_display_name AS institution_display_name, ","UNNEST(author).institution_ror AS institution_ror, ","UNNEST(author).institution_country_code AS institution_country_code, ","UNNEST(author).institution_type AS institution_type, ","UNNEST(author).institution_lineage AS institution_lineage ","FROM ","corpus " ) |>dbExecute(conn = con)paste0("COPY ( ","SELECT * FROM corpus_unnest ",") TO '", params$corpus_authors_dir, "' ","(FORMAT PARQUET, COMPRESSION 'SNAPPY', PARTITION_BY 'publication_year')" ) |>dbExecute(conn = con) duckdb::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown =TRUE)}
Here we show the number of hits for the key papers in the individual corpi. The columns represent the different search terms as defined in Section 4.3.
Each column is a different search term, and each row consists of the key papers of a specific chapter and the author who provided the key papers. The number is the number of key papers occurring in the Individual Corpus.
The red line is the cumulative proportion of publications, the blue line the cumulative proportion of all of the OpenAlex corpus. Both lines use the secondary (red) axis.
Strategies/Options/Instruments for Transformative Change
The file contains the terms for the different strategies and options.
I will now iterate through all of them and identify the number of hits per individual search term. This can be used as a result in itself in interpreting the importance of each term as well as to shorten the search term to be able to use it together with the TCA search term.
Strategy 1: Conserving and regenerating places of value to nature and people
Strategy 2: Driving systemic change in the sectors most responsible for biodiversity loss and nature’s decline
Strategy 3: Transforming economic systems for nature and equity
Strategy 4: Transforming governance systems to be inclusive, accountable, and adaptive
Strategy 5.: Shifting societal views, values, and paradigms to recognize and prioritize the fundamental interconnections between humans and nature that sustain life for all beings
Count of Strategies / Options Table
Show the code
#|# data from OpernAlex vie count# strategies_options_corpus <- readRDS(file.path("tca_corpus", "data", "strategies_options.rds"))# data from corporastrategies_options <-readRDS(file.path("tca_corpus", "data", "strategies_options_corpus.rds"))data <-lapply(names(strategies_options),function(strategy) {data.frame(Strategy =strsplit(strategy, " \\|\\|\\| ")[[1]][1],Concept =strsplit(strategy, " \\|\\|\\| ")[[1]][2],Count = strategies_options[[strategy]]$count,Count_until_1992 =sum(strategies_options[[strategy]]$years$count[strategies_options[[strategy]]$years$publication_year <=1992]),Count_after_1992 =sum(strategies_options[[strategy]]$years$count[strategies_options[[strategy]]$years$publication_year >1992]) ) }) |> = rbind)data |> IPBES.R::table_dt(fn ="strategies_options_corpus_counts",fixedColumns =list(leftColumns =0) )
Plot of the Count of the Strategies / Options split at 1992
This data is corrected for different research oputput before and after 1992 by dividing by the overall reasarch output in that perio as reflected on OpenAlex.
The size of the nodes indicates the number of works in each node, while the thicknes of the edges (lines) indicates the proportion of overlapping works of the maximum possible, i.e. \(p_{i,j} = \frac{n_{\text{links}(i,j)}}{\min(n_i, n_j)}\)
The nodes can be moved and if selected, the links to / from that node are highlighted.
Matrix showing overlap of Strategies / Options Cases Only
The size of the nodes indicates the number of works in each node, while the thicknes of the edges (lines) indicates the proportion of overlapping works of the maximum possible, i.e. \(p_{i,j} = \frac{n_{\text{links}(i,j)}}{\min(n_i, n_j)}\)
The nodes can be moved and if selected, the links to / from that node are highlighted.
The file contains the terms for the different actors.
I will now iterate through all of them and identify the number of hits per individual search term. This can be used as a result in itself in interpreting the importance of each term as well as to shorten the search term to be able to use it together with the TCA search term.
#|# data from OpernAlex vie count# actors <- readRDS(file.path("tca_corpus", "data", "actors.rds"))# data from corporaactors <-readRDS(file.path("tca_corpus", "data", "actors_corpus.rds"))lapply(names(actors),function(actor) {data.frame(Actor = actor,Year = actors[[actor]]$years$publication_year,Count = actors[[actor]]$years$count ) }) |> = rbind) |> IPBES.R::table_dt(fn ="actors_counts_per_year",fixedColumns =list(leftColumns =2) )
Plot of the Count of the Actors split at 1992
This data is corrected for different research oputput before and after 1992 by dividing by the overall reasarch output in that perio as reflected on OpenAlex.
The size of the nodes indicates the number of works in each node, while the thicknes of the edges (lines) indicates the proportion of overlapping works of the maximum possible, i.e. \(p_{i,j} = \frac{n_{\text{links}(i,j)}}{\min(n_i, n_j)}\)
The nodes can be moved and if selected, the links to / from that node are highlighted.
The size of the nodes indicates the number of works in each node, while the thicknes of the edges (lines) indicates the proportion of overlapping works of the maximum possible, i.e. \(p_{i,j} = \frac{n_{\text{links}(i,j)}}{\min(n_i, n_j)}\)
The nodes can be moved and if selected, the links to / from that node are highlighted.
The colour indicates s indicates the proportion of overlapping works of the maximum possible, i.e. \(p_{i,j} = \frac{n_{\text{links}(i,j)}}{\min(n_i, n_j)}\)
Here are the search terms used in this document. They were provided by the authors, and some adaptations were done by the tsu for data and knowledge management to adopt them for OpenAlex.
Transformative Change
Show the code
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
Show the code
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature
Assessment Corpus
Show the code
( biodiversity
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature )
( (
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
) )
Chapter 1
Show the code
OR underlying
OR indirect
OR cause
Show the code
OR inequity
OR just
OR unjust
OR inequality
OR equality
OR Fair
OR unfair
Show the code
OR impact
OR leapfrog
OR transfer
Show the code
OR participation
OR participatory
OR engagement
OR democratic
OR coproduct
OR transdisc
OR multiactor
OR "multi-actor"
OR integrat
Show the code
OR reflex
OR reflect
OR monitor
OR adapt
OR learn
Show the code
OR accountable
OR rights
OR steward
OR reciprocity
OR interdependent
OR interdependency
OR (
OR relational
OR plural
OR diverse
OR "sustainability-aligned"
OR (
OR ethic
Chapter 2
Show the code
OR future
OR visionary
OR scenarios
OR imagination
OR imagery
OR creativity
OR desire
OR wish
OR visioning
OR process
OR "participaory process"
OR "deliberate process"
OR polics
OR target
OR view
OR value
OR cosmovision
OR cosmocentric
OR dream
OR fiction
OR hope
OR mission
OR objective
OR story
OR worldview
OR aspiration
OR action
OR plan
OR strategy
OR intention
OR model
OR solution
OR innovation
OR perspective
OR platform
OR collective action
OR cooperation
OR consultation
OR coalition
OR response
OR movement
OR effort
OR initiative
OR activity
OR reaction
OR performance
OR operation
OR effect
OR task
OR project
OR influence
OR moment
OR discourse
OR motivation
OR iteration
OR roadmap
OR agenda
OR project
OR programm
OR government
OR technique
OR inspiration
OR culture
OR universe
OR reality
OR fantasy
OR perception
OR visualization
OR approach
OR image
OR arquetype
OR existence
OR cosmology
OR co - production
OR knowledge
OR dialogue
OR transmission
OR conceptual
OR ceremony
OR relationships
OR respect
OR reciprocity
OR responsibilities
OR solidarity
OR harmony
OR self - determination
OR community
OR spiritual
OR languague
OR territory
OR opportunity
OR sight
OR foresight
OR idea
OR appearance
Chapter 3
Show the code
OR Science
OR "science-society"
OR "science-technology"
OR Solution
Show the code
OR "co-creation"
OR solution
OR knowledge
OR system
OR "t-lab"
OR "technology laboratory"
OR education
OR "socio-technical"
Show the code
OR pathways
OR connect
OR Agroecolog
OR Institutional
OR Institution
OR Government
Show the code
OR Personal
OR Religion
OR Love
OR Loving
OR Feelings
OR Stewardship
OR Care
OR Beliefs
OR Belief
OR believe
OR Awareness
OR "Self-Awareness"
Show the code
OR Grassroot
OR "Community-based"
OR Indigenous
OR Leadership
OR "Critical Science"
OR Econfeminism
OR "Political Ecology"
OR Power
OR Agency
OR Environment
Show the code
OR "Political Economy"
OR institution
OR govern
OR economy
OR governance
OR government
OR globalization
OR states
OR colonial
OR colonialiasism
OR labour
OR organization
OR organisation
Chapter 4
Show the code
OR barrier
OR obstacle
OR hinder
OR hindrance
OR block
OR prevent
OR deter
OR inertia
OR "path dependence"
OR "path dependency"
OR stasis
OR "lock-in"
OR trap
OR habits
OR habitual
OR "status quo"
OR power
OR "limiting factOR"
economic inequality
OR "Wealth concentration"
OR "Socioeconomic inequality"
OR financialization
OR "uneven development"
OR Financialization
OR "Structural adjustment"
OR "Sovereign Debt"
OR inequality
OR "Policy effectiveness"
Show the code
OR barrier
OR obstacle
OR hinder
OR hindrance
OR block
OR prevent
OR deter
OR inertia
OR "path dependence"
OR "path dependency"
OR stasis
OR "lock-in"
OR trap
OR habits
OR habitual
OR status quo
OR power
OR "limiting factor"
"clean technology"
OR "clean innovation*"
OR "sustainable innovation"
OR "sustainable technological innovation"
"limited access"
OR "limited availability"
OR "lack of access"
OR "unavailability"
Show the code
Painting OR
Sculpture OR
Photography OR
Drawing OR
Printmaking OR
Ceramics OR
Performance art OR
"Digital art" OR
Figurative OR
Contemporary OR
Gallery OR
Exhibition OR
"Art history" OR
"Fine arts" OR
"Art critique" OR
Collage OR
"Street art" OR
Portraiture OR
Minimalism OR
Surrealism OR
Expressionism OR
"Art therapy" OR
"Art education" OR
"Public art" OR
"Art collecting" OR
"Art fairs" OR
"Modern art" OR
Baroque OR
Impressionism OR
Cubism OR
Realism OR
"Art movements" OR
"Conceptual art" OR
"Art funding" OR
"Art workshops" OR
"Art communities" OR
"Art criticism" OR
"Eco art" OR
"Folk art" OR
Muralism OR
"Art residence"
Show the code
Journalism OR
Broadcasting OR
"Social media" OR
"Digital media" OR
Multimedia OR
News OR
Film OR
Television OR
Radio OR
"Mass communication" OR
"Media ethics" OR
"Public relations" OR
"Media studies" OR
"Media literacy" OR
"Media production" OR
Newspapers OR
Magazines OR
"Media law" OR
"Media platforms" OR
"Media technology" OR
"Cultural media" OR
"Mobile media" OR
Documentary OR
Webcasting OR
"Live streaming" OR
Vlogs OR
"Media campaigns" OR
"Digital storytelling" OR
"Media management" OR
"Media psychology" OR
"Media convergence" OR
"Media networking" OR
"Influencer marketing" OR
"Data journalism" OR
"Media activism" OR
"Citizen journalism" OR
Press OR
"News outlets" OR
"Media outlets"
Strategies and Options
In contrast to the other search terms, this option contains multiple sets of search terms
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# Strategy 1: Conserving and regenerating places of value to nature and people ## Action 1.1: Recognizing and conserving "territories of life" "Biocultural conservation" OR "Biosphere reserve" OR "Community-based management" OR "Community-led conservation" OR "Community protocol" OR "Community quota" OR "Convivial conservation" OR "Comanagement" OR "Customary tenure" OR "Indigenous and community conserved area" OR "Indigenous jurisdiction" OR "Indigenous-led conservation" OR "Multi-functional landscape" OR "Other effective area-based conservation measure" OR "Resource stewardship" OR "Sacred grove" OR "Sacred site" OR "Territories of life" OR "Tribal park" ## Action 1.2: Enhancing rights-based approaches "Access and benefit sharing" OR "Community rights" OR "Ecocide" OR "Food sovereignty" OR "Free prior and informed consent" OR "FPIC" OR "Human rights" OR "Indigenous language" OR "Indigenous Peoples’ rights" OR "Indigenous data sovereignty" OR "Intellectual property rights" OR "Civil and political rights" OR "Economic social and cultural rights" OR "International human rights" OR "International Labour Organization Convention" OR "Land sovereignty" OR "Legal pluralism" OR "Nature rights" OR "Rights of nature" OR "Right to water" OR "Tenure rights" OR "Territorial use rights" OR "Rights of Indigenous Peoples" OR "UNDRIP" ## Action 1.3a: Basing conservation on diverse values of nature. Conservation "Blue park" OR "Ethical space" OR "Forest conservation" OR "Forest reserve" OR "Habitat protection" OR "High sea conservation" OR "Marine managed area" OR "Marine park" OR "Marine protected area" OR "Marine reserve" OR "National park" OR "Nature reserve" OR "Private reserve" OR "Protected area" OR "Recreation area" OR "Transboundary protected area" OR "Wildlife conservation" OR "Wildlife reserve" ## Action 1.3b: Basing conservation on diverse values of nature. Management and monitoring "Coastal governance" OR "Coastal management" OR "Coastal monitoring" OR "Ecosystem-based management" OR "Environmental impact assessment" OR "Environmental monitoring" OR "Environmental remote sensing" OR "Fish monitoring" OR "Forest monitoring" OR "Integrated coastal zone management" OR "Integrated landscape management" OR "Invasive alien species management" OR "Land monitoring" OR "Marine governance" OR "Marine mammal monitoring" OR "Marine monitoring" OR "Ocean monitoring" OR "Sustainable land management" OR "Sustainable wildlife management" OR "Species monitoring" OR "Transboundary water management" OR "Watershed management" ## Action 1.4: Shifting from extractive to regenerative systems "Biodiversity restoration" OR "Connectivity restoration" OR "Ecosystem restoration" OR "Ecological regeneration" OR "Ecological restoration" OR "Environmental regeneration" OR "Floodplain restoration" OR "Forest restoration" OR "Habitat restoration" OR "Species reintroduction" OR "Landscape restoration" OR "Regenerative agriculture" OR "Regenerative farming" OR "Regenerative sustainability" OR "Remedial action" OR "Rewilding" OR "Soil restoration" OR "Restoration ecology" OR "Regenerative system" ## Action 1.5: Advancing integrated spatial planning "Buffer zone" OR "Coastal planning" OR "Development control regulation" OR "Habitat conservation plan" OR "Holistic planned grazing" OR "Infrastructure planning" OR "Integrated spatial planning" OR "Land law" OR "Land use permit" OR "Land use planning" OR "Marine spatial planning" OR "National biodiversity strategy and action plan" OR "Ocean planning" OR "Participatory planning" OR "Spatial planning" OR "Strategic environmental assessment" # Strategy 2: Driving systemic change in the sectors most responsible for biodiversity loss and nature’s decline ## Action 2.1a: Regulating resource extraction. Regulation "Commodity chain regulation" OR "Consumption regulation" OR "Consumer tax" OR "Consumption tax" OR "Cross-compliance" OR "Emission caps" OR "Invasive species regulation" OR "Land use regulation" OR "Land acquisition regulation" OR "Licensing and permitting" OR "Logging regulation" OR "Pollution control" OR "Resource extraction regulation" OR "Resource management law" OR "Regulatory measure" OR "Resource capping" OR "Sustainable public procurement" OR "Trade regulation" OR "Wildlife trade regulation" OR "Zoning regulation" ## Action 2.1b: Regulating resource extraction. Standards and certifications "Certification" OR "Collaborative supply chain" OR "Ecolabel" OR "Environmental certification" OR "Environmental guideline" OR "Environmental label" OR "Environmental standard" OR "Fair trade certification" OR "Forest stewardship council certification" OR "Green branding" OR "ISO standard" OR "LEED certification" OR "Marine stewardship council certification" OR "Organic certification" OR "Participatory guarantee system" OR "Production standards" OR "Sustainable seafood initiative" OR "Sustainable sourcing" OR "Third-party auditing" OR "Third-party verification" OR "Seafood watch" ## Action 2.2a: Embedding technology in transformative frameworks. Green technology "Biofuel" OR "Biomass energy production" OR "Biomimetic" OR "Climate-smart agriculture" OR "Coordinated transport" OR "Cradle-to-cradle" OR "Digital agriculture" OR "Fuel-efficient vehicle" OR "Geothermal energy" OR "Green building material" OR "Green technology" OR "Hybrid vehicle" OR "Microgrid" OR "Minigrid" OR "Renewable energy" OR "Smart technologies" OR "Solar panel" OR "Solar photovoltaic system" OR "Wind turbine" ## Action 2.2b: Embedding technology in transformative frameworks. Green infrastructure "Biofilter" OR "Bioswale" OR "Constructed wetland" OR "Energy efficient building" OR "Green architecture" OR "Green infrastructure" OR "Green logistics" OR "Green roof" OR "Green street" OR "Green wall" OR "Living shoreline" OR "Multi-purpose structure" OR "Nature-based solution" OR "Permeable pavement" OR "Public transport" OR "Rain garden" OR "Riparian buffer" OR "Sustainable drainage system" OR "Sustainable infrastructure" OR "Urban agriculture" OR "Urban forest" OR "Urban park" OR "Vegetated swale" OR "Water infrastructure" ## Action 2.3: Financing for global sustainability "Biodiversity finance" OR "Climate finance" OR "Conservation finance" OR "Conservation funding" OR "Conservation philanthropy" OR "Conservation trust fund" OR "Debt-for-nature swap" OR "Direct funding to community" OR "Ecological finance" OR "Environmental finance" OR "Environmental harmful subsidies" OR "Harmful subsidies" OR "Nature finance" OR "Lost and damage" OR "Ocean finance" OR "Public funding for conservation" OR "Public-private partnership" ## Action 2.4: Supporting civil society initiatives "Boycott" OR "Collective action network" OR "Community garden" OR "Environmental action" OR "Environmental advocacy" OR "Environmental lawsuit" OR "Environmental mobilization" OR "Environmental public interest litigation" OR "Environmental social movement" OR "Farmers market" OR "Food cooperative" OR "Formal petition" OR "Hunger strike" OR "Land occupation" OR "Media-based activism" OR "Name and shame" OR "Non-cooperation" OR "Non-violent protest" OR "Persuasion" OR "Public campaign" OR "Road blockade" OR "Social innovations" OR "Social movement" OR "Strike" OR "Street protest" OR "Transition town" OR "Urban garden" # Strategy 3: Transforming economic systems for nature and equity ## Action 3.1: Mainstreaming innovative economic tools "B-Corp" OR "Biodiversity banking" OR "Biodiversity compensation" OR "Biodiversity mitigation bank" OR "Biodiversity trading" OR "Cap and trade" OR "Cap and share" OR "Consumer demand for transparency" OR "Convention against corruption" OR "Conflict of interest regulation" OR "Corporate disclosure" OR "Corporate social responsibility" OR "Corporate sustainability reporting" OR "Conservation banking" OR "Environmental mitigation" OR "Financial disclosure" OR "Internalization of externalities" OR "Market-based finance" OR "No net loss" OR "Payment for ecosystem services" OR "Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation" OR "Remediation" OR "True price" OR "Zero deforestation" ## Action 3.2a: Supporting just transitions. Sustainable production "Agri-environmental and climate measure" OR "Agroecology" OR "Agroforestry" OR "Biological agriculture" OR "Best practices for production" OR "Carbon farming" OR "Climate-smart agriculture" OR "Community-supported agriculture" OR "Conservation tillage" OR "Crop diversification" OR "Manufacturing best practices" OR "Organic agriculture" OR "Reduced impact logging" OR "Responsible production" OR "Sustainable agricultural intensification" OR "Sustainable aquaculture" OR "Sustainable design" OR "Sustainable fishing" OR "Sustainable production" OR "Sustainable small-scale fishery" OR "Swidden agriculture" ## Action 3.2b: Supporting just transitions. Alternative economic models "Alternative business" OR "Alternative economic" OR "Bioeconomy" OR "Business for nature" OR "Caring economy" OR "Circular economy" OR "Circular bioeconomy" OR "Degrowth" OR "Doughnut economics" OR "Economic of biodiversity" OR "Ecological economics" OR "Ecosystem accounting" OR "Governing the commons" OR "Mainstreaming biodiversity" OR "Managing the commons" OR "Nature positive economy" OR "Natural capital accounting" OR "Natural social contract" OR "Not-for-profit economy" OR "Regenerative business" OR "Regenerative capitalism" OR "Relocalize" OR "Sharing economy" OR "Steady state economy" OR "Wellbeing economics" ## Action 3.3: Reforming financial systems "Biodiversity offset" OR "Carbon credit" OR "Commodity future" OR "Central bank reform" OR "Debt relief" OR "Debt service suspension" OR "Derivative trading" OR "Ecological fiscal transfer" OR "Environmental tax" OR "Environmental impact bond" OR "Green subsidy" OR "Green public procurement" OR "Green tax" OR "Global exchange price" OR "IMF reform" OR "Financial reform" OR "Progressive tax" OR "Tax haven" OR "Reduce inequality" OR "Subsidy reform" OR "Sustainable finance" OR "Tradable permit" OR "Trade ban" OR "Tobin tax" OR "Universal basic income" OR "Wealth tax" OR "WTO reform" ## Action 3.4: Adopting new metrics of success "Better Life Index" OR "Ecological footprint" OR "Genuine Progress Indicator" OR "Genuine saving" OR "Green GDP" OR "Gross National Happiness" OR "Happy Planet Index" OR "Human Development Index" OR "Inclusive Wealth Index" OR "Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare" OR "Inequality index" OR "Real wealth" OR "Social Progress Index" OR "Thriving Places Index" OR "System of Environmental Economic Accounting" OR "Wellbeing budget" # Strategy 4: Transforming governance systems to be inclusive, accountable, and adaptive ## Action 4.1: Strengthening biodiversity in integrated governance "Access to justice" OR "Anti-corruption measures" OR "Biodiversity Policy Integration" OR "Convention against corruption" OR "Cross-sectoral coordination" OR "Cross-sectoral planning" OR "Environmental assessment" OR "Institutional arrangement" OR "Institutional independence" OR "Institutional reform" OR "Integrated assessment" OR "Integrated governance" OR "Integrated public governance" OR "Judicial independence" OR "Lobbying regulation" OR "Measures against corruption" OR "Policy coherence" OR "Policy coordination" OR "Policy Integration" OR "Representing biodiversity values" OR "Strategic planning" OR "Strategic visioning" OR "Transparent governance" ## Action 4.2.: Engaging diverse actors in inclusive governance "Biodiversity councils" OR "Bottom-up governance" OR "Citizen assembly" OR "Collaborative agreement" OR "Community meeting" OR "Customary law" OR "Customary norm" OR "Deep democracy" OR "Deliberative democracy" OR "Engagement of Indigenous peoples and local communities" OR "Gender sensitive approaches" OR "Gender responsive governance" OR "Inclusive governance" OR "Indigenous governance" OR "Multi-stakeholder consultation" OR "Multi-stakeholder partnership" OR "New social contract" OR "Participatory decision-making" OR "Policy co-creation" OR "Policy co-design" OR "Public consultation" OR "Public participation" OR "Stakeholder engagement" ## Action 4.3.: Securing collaboration and accountability in multilateral governance "Aichi Biodiversity Target" OR "BBNJ Treaty" OR "Bilateral agreements" OR "Convention on Biological Diversity" OR "CBD" OR "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species" OR "CITES" OR "Convention to Combat Desertification" OR "EU Green Deal" OR "Inclusive global governance" OR "International collaboration" OR "Kyoto Protocol" OR "Minamata Convention" OR "Montreal Protocol" OR "Multilateral agreement" OR "Multilateral governance" OR "Multilevel governance" OR "Nagoya Protocol" OR "Network governance" OR "Paris Agreement" OR "Ramsar Convention" OR "Polycentric governance" OR "Rio Declaration" OR "Rotterdam Convention" OR "Stockholm Convention" OR "Sustainable Development Goal" ## Action 4.4.: Strengthening learning through informed, accountable, and adaptive governance "Access to environmental information" OR "Accountable governance" OR "Adaptive governance" OR "Adaptive management" OR "Administrative entrepreneurship" OR "Conflict resolution" OR "Flexible regulation" OR "Freedom of information" OR "Informed governance" OR "Institutional entrepreneurship" OR "Iterative decision making" OR "Iterative planning" OR "Local governance" OR "Monitoring evaluation and learning" OR "Ombudsman" OR "Open government" OR "Overcome path-dependencies" OR "Participatory evaluation" OR "Press freedom" OR "Policy monitoring" OR "Planning monitoring and evaluation" OR "Reflexive governance" OR "Risk management" OR "Whistleblower protection" # Strategy 5.: Shifting societal views, values, and paradigms to recognize and prioritize the fundamental interconnections between humans and nature that sustain life for all beings ## Action 5.1.: Increasing nature connectedness "Balanced relationship" OR "Biophilia" OR "Caring for nature" OR "Connecting with nature" OR "Ecocentrism" OR "Ecohealth" OR "Environmental connection" OR "Environmental stewardship" OR "Harmony with nature" OR "Holistic worldview" OR "Human-nature connectedness" OR "Human-nature relationship" OR "Intrinsic value" OR "Indigenous worldview" OR "Nature connectedness" OR "One health" OR "Planetary health" OR "Planetary wellbeing" OR "Relational values" OR "Spiritual connection" OR "Unitive vision" OR "Utilitarian value" ## Action 5.2.: Shifting culture through new narratives "Awareness campaign" OR "Choice architecture" OR "Community dialogue" OR "Cultural narrative" OR "Cultural transformation" OR "Environmental discourse" OR "Environmental narrative" OR "Environmental perspective" OR "Environmental storytelling" OR "Green discourse" OR "Green marketing" OR "Green narrative" OR "Green perspective" OR "Mass media campaign" OR "Peer-to-peer communication" OR "Regenerative culture" OR "Unitive narrative" OR "Youth empowerment" ## Action 5.3.: Changing social norms "Behavioral nudge" OR "Collaborative consumption" OR "Consumption reduction" OR "Dietary transition" OR "Ethical consumerism" OR "Food waste reduction" OR "Frugal consumption" OR "Green consumption" OR "Localized food system" OR "Lifestyle change" OR "Minimalist lifestyle" OR "Normative feedback" OR "Nudging" OR "Plant-based diet" OR "Reduce consumption" OR "Recycling" OR "Responsible consumption" OR "Reusing" OR "Shared consumption" OR "Shared ownership" OR "Simple living" OR "Sustainable consumption" OR "Sustainable use" OR "Sustainable practices" OR "Zero waste" ## Action 5.4. Facilitating transformative learning "Adult learning" OR "Capacity building" OR "Capacity development" OR "Cultural exchange" OR "Cultural revitalization" OR "Environmental curriculum" OR "Environmental education" OR "Experiential learning" OR "Experiential teaching" OR "Inner development" OR "Inner transformation" OR "Indigenous education" OR "Inner capacity" OR "Personal transformation" OR "Practical learning" OR "Sacred teaching" OR "Social learning" OR "Solution space" OR "Transformation lab" OR "Transformative learning" OR "Transformational learning" OR "Unitive education" ## Action 5.5. Co-creating knowledge "Art-science collaboration" OR "Boundary spanning" OR "Citizen science" OR "Co-creative inquiry" OR "Co-creation of knowledge" OR "Co-design" OR "Collaborative knowledge production" OR "Collaborative research and learning" OR "Collective knowledge generation" OR "Community-based participatory research" OR "Epistemic justice" OR "Interfaith collaboration" OR "Interfaith dialogue" OR "Joint knowledge development" OR "Jointly constructed knowledge" OR "Knowledge brokerage" OR "Knowledge co-creation" OR "Knowledge co-design" OR "Knowledge coproduction" OR "Mode-2 knowledge production" OR "Multiple evidence-based approach" OR "Participatory action research" OR "Transdisciplinary research" OR "Weaving knowledge"
Chapter 5
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( biodiversity
OR marine
OR terrestrial
OR forest
OR woodland
OR grassland
OR savanna
OR shrubland
OR peatland
OR ecosystem
OR lake
OR river
OR sea
OR ocean
OR meadow
OR heathland
OR mires
OR bog
OR tundra
OR biosphere
OR desert
OR mountain
OR "natural resource"
OR estuary
OR fjord
OR fauna
OR flora
OR soil
OR "coastal waters"
OR wetland
OR freshwater
OR marshland
OR marches
OR dryland
OR seascape
OR landscape
OR coast
OR "arable land"
OR "agricultural land"
OR "natural environment"
OR "environmental resource"
OR agroforest
OR "agro-forest"
OR plantation
OR "protected areas"
OR chaparral
OR sustainable
OR environment
OR conservation
OR ecosystem
OR nature
OR planet
OR Earth
OR biosphere
OR ecological
OR "socio-ecological"
OR restoration
OR wildlife
OR landscape
OR species
OR bioeconomy
OR "resource system"
OR "coupled system"
OR nature )
( (
OR transition
OR transformative
OR "transformative change"
OR (
OR change
OR deep
OR radical
OR social
OR politics
OR political
OR governance
OR economic
OR cultural
OR system
OR technological
OR inner
OR personal
OR financial
OR business
OR (
"transformative change"
OR "deliberate transformation"
OR "transformative turn"
OR transition
OR "social-ecological change"
OR "deep change"
OR "fundamental alteration"
OR "profound change"
OR "profound transformation"
OR "radical transformation"
OR "transformational change"
OR "complete change"
OR "complete transformation"
OR "drastic change"
OR "in-depth transformation"
OR "progressive change"
OR "radical alteration"
OR "radical change"
OR "revolutionary change"
OR "significant modification"
OR "total transformation"
OR transition
OR pathway
OR power
OR agency
OR scale
OR leverage
OR context
OR process
OR regime
OR shift
OR views
OR value
OR structure
OR institution
OR deliberate
OR structural
OR fundamental
OR system
OR deep
OR radical
OR profound
OR drastic
OR widespread
OR political
OR economical
OR structur
OR complete
OR progressive
OR revolutionary
OR substantial
OR significant
OR alteration
OR change
OR turn
OR action
OR transition
OR shift
) )
( "case study"
"field work"
OR "concrete case"
OR empirical
OR "real world example"
OR observational
OR practical
OR experimental
OR "in depth"
OR "real life case"
OR ethnography
OR "specific study"
OR "illustrative example"
) )
Number of Hits per Individual Corpus
Here we show the number of hits for the key papers in the different individual corpi. The columns represent the different search terms as defined in Section 4.3.
Each column is a different search term, and each row consists of the key papers of a specific chapter and the author who provided the key papers. The number is the number of key papers occurring in the Individual Corpus.
These are the languages of the abstracts and titles. Articles with multiple languages will be regarded as not being accurate. Also, as this is the language of the abstract / title, it might not be the language of the full text.
Warning in instance$preRenderHook(instance): It seems your data is too big for
client-side DataTables. You may consider server-side processing:
author = {Krug, Rainer M. and Villasante, Sebastian and Lambertucci,
Sergio and Reyes Garcia, Victoria and Agrawal, Arun and O’Brien,
Karen and Garibaldi, Lucas},
title = {Transformative {Change} {Assessment} {Corpus} - {Technical}
{Background} {Report}},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.11389482},
langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Krug, Rainer M., Sebastian Villasante, Sergio Lambertucci, Victoria
Reyes Garcia, Arun Agrawal, Karen O’Brien, and Lucas Garibaldi. n.d.
“Transformative Change Assessment Corpus - Technical Background
Report.”IPBES Transformative Change Assessment.