The column are: (the Concept columns are not that relevant at the moment)
id: internal id fromOpenAlex
author: authors of the paper
publication_year: publication year
title: title of the paper
doi: doi of the paper
no_referenced_works: number of references in the paper which are also in OpenAlex
cited_global: Number of times the paper has been cited
cited_global_per_year: standardised number of times cirted (cited_global / number of years published)
no_connections: number of connections in the rgaph, i.e. either cited or citing a paper in the snowball corpus
concepts_l0: Concept 0. level assigned by OpenAlex
concepts_l1: Concept 1. level assigned by OpenAlex
concepts_l2: Concept 2. level assigned by OpenAlex
concepts_l3: Concept 3. level assigned by OpenAlex
concepts_l4: Concept 4. level assigned by OpenAlex
concepts_l5: Concept 5. level assigned by OpenAlex
author_institute: Institute of the authors
institute_country: Country of the institute
abstract: the abstract of the paper
Graph of links between references
#|lapply(names(snowball),function(x){plot_snowball( snowball[[x]],name = x ) })
Warning: Using the `size` aesthetic in this geom was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` in the `default_aes` field and elsewhere instead.
Identification of references with more than one edge
This is the number of connections (connection_count)of the paper (id)
|id |display_name | publication_year|doi | connection_count|
|W2551698534 |Drought Tolerance and Water Use of Cereal Crops: A Focus on Sorghum as a Food Security Crop in Sub-Saharan Africa | 2016| | 207|
|W3193742663 |Adaptive Crop Management under Climate Uncertainty: Changing the Game for Sustainable Water Use | 2021| | 44|
|W3136104434 |Sustainable alternative futures for agriculture in India—the energy, emissions, and resource implications | 2021| | 33|
|W4200458514 |The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture – Systems at breaking point (SOLAW 2021) | 2021| | 29|
|id |display_name | publication_year|doi | connection_count|
|W4386422911 |A metasystem approach to designing environmental flows | 2023| | 157|
|W4214623905 |Do dams improve water security in India? A review of post facto assessments | 2022| | 66|
|W2753435791 |Assessing the feasibility of integrating ecosystem-based with engineered water resource governance and management for water security in semi-arid landscapes: A case study in the Banas catchment, Rajasthan, India | 2018| | 63|
|W4379966281 |Optimizing environmental flow based on a new optimization model in balancing objectives among river ecology, water supply and power generation in a high-latitude river | 2023| | 42|
|W2096113236 |The Natural Flow Regime | 1997| | 2|
|W2151941169 |How much water does a river need? | 1997| | 2|
|W2156113027 |Environmental flows for natural, hybrid, and novel riverine ecosystems in a changing world | 2014| | 2|
|W2156353061 |The ecological limits of hydrologic alteration (ELOHA): a new framework for developing regional environmental flow standards | 2010| | 2|
|id |display_name | publication_year|doi | connection_count|
|W2094218359 |Consequence of altered nitrogen cycles in the coupled human and ecological system under changing climate: The need for long-term and site-based research | 2014| | 177|
|W4223483518 |Nitrogenous fertilizers: impact on environment sustainability, mitigation strategies, and challenges | 2022| | 135|
|W3159296798 |Spatially explicit boundaries for agricultural nitrogen inputs in the European Union to meet air and water quality targets | 2021| | 100|
|W4360615396 |A better use of fertilizers is needed for global food security and environmental sustainability | 2023| | 89|
|W2020023668 |How a century of ammonia synthesis changed the world | 2008| | 3|
|W2097004990 |The Nitrogen Cascade | 2003|[0341:tnc];2 | 3|
|W1999167944 |Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet | 2015| | 2|
|W2019990444 |Nutrient Imbalances in Agricultural Development | 2009| | 2|
|W2030467995 |Global agriculture and nitrous oxide emissions | 2012| | 2|
|W2089894319 |Ecological and toxicological effects of inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems: A global assessment | 2006| | 2|
|W2102235270 |The contribution of manure and fertilizer nitrogen to atmospheric nitrous oxide since 1860 | 2009| | 2|
|W2128888862 |Assessing planetary and regional nitrogen boundaries related to food security and adverse environmental impacts | 2013| | 2|
|W2132041826 |Nitrogen Pollution in the Northeastern United States: Sources, Effects, and Management Options | 2003|[0357:npitnu];2 | 2|
|W2146323422 |Transformation of the Nitrogen Cycle: Recent Trends, Questions, and Potential Solutions | 2008| | 2|
|W2149352713 |Nitrogen Cycles: Past, Present, and Future | 2004| | 2|
|W2175999181 |Nitrogen and Food Production: Proteins for Human Diets | 2002| | 2|
|W2884859931 |Drinking Water Nitrate and Human Health: An Updated Review | 2018| | 2|
|W3158945551 |Reconciling food production and environmental boundaries for nitrogen in the European Union | 2021| | 2|
|W3189362205 |Reconciling regional nitrogen boundaries with global food security | 2021| | 2|