
IPBES Ontology for assessment reports

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an intergovernmental organisation that assesses both the status of biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides to society at the request of decision-makers. To this end, IPBES works with a wide range of experts, scientists and policy-makers from different backgrounds and nationalities to produce regular regional, national and global assessment reports. Currently, there is no established ontology to represent intergovernmental reports and the wide range of topics and information they contain. In response, we have developed the IPBES ontology as a basic framework for representing such data as Linked Open Data (LOD) and facilitating their accessibility for further study and analysis.

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IPBES Ontology: https://ipbes-data.github.io/IPBES_Ontology/IPBES_Ontology_Description_v05.html

IPBES Ontology on the ICT Portal: https://ict.ipbes.net/ipbes-ict-guide/linked-open-data/ipbes-ontology


For any questions and enquiries, please contact the IPBES Data and Knowledge Unit aidin.niamir@senckenberg.de

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